Chapter 3:Who are you???

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Free De La Hoya POV
I and Valt entered the academy's hall.Finding some clue for completing the helping mission.Suddenly, Valt saw a girl with a wheelchair approaching them.Valt calling me but I don't answer it because I still with my searching.I turned around and asked"what's the matter?" but I saw a girl that Valt mention.
  That girl only seeing us like we were not there at all.She doesn't ask anything.I approaching her and asked"why you are at here alone by yourself?".The girl watching me with emotionless expression.Suddenly,a girl walking towards them and asked us"who are you and why you at this place?".Valt tries to pull me to get out from here but I refused to do it.I introduce Valt and myself to her.She replied"my name is Misaki Kamiya.Just call me Misaki and this is Yuki Naomi.Call her Yuki.She is a friend of mine".Valt asked Misaki"what happen to her?She kinda weird and like doesn't have any emotions".Misaki replied with a down face "her emotions already being sealed by his father and only one cure for her.That is someone that really close to her have to give it's blood to her and make her as a demon partner".

I and Valt only can see that sad face of Misaki.I said"maybe tomorrow we will help you.It's almost night right now.So I leave you with my phone number".Misaki feel relieved after heard about that.I and Misaki change our phone number.At the same time,Valt  feel weird that Free have a his own phone.Actually this phone I buy it for myself.hehehe.


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I and Valt get out from there and decide to go to my friend's house,yuuko.He is younger than us.We ride Kurai to go to Yuuko's house and I already ask his permission to sleepover there.

*End of chapter 3.Fuhh,I already settle it.😄

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