Chapter 13:Yuki's Life History

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Yuki woke me up and said"let's have a walk and have some chit chat".I woke up and asked"about what?".Yuki pulls my hand and walk alongside her. I and Yuki arrived at a big sakura tree and yuki said"This is where I was killed by the servants of Asuza and where I was reborn. Luckily I wore this necklace at that time and this place is where my mother was buried".I asked"and what makes you being a demon right now?".Yuki answered"maybe because I'm a descendant of a demon.My father is a demon too and maybe because of midnight blood sword.The sword only for demon generation and I'm the last generation of it".I just nodded while I looking at the sakura tree.A few minutes later while they enjoyed the beauty of the sakura tree surrounded by fireflies,suddenly yuki's phone rang and it's from Yuuko.Yuki answer the call.

A few minutes later...
Yuki ended the call and said"Yuuko want us to go home right now.He said that Asuza at house and want to have a talk with me.Let's back home.I worried about them".I said"indeed we have to go home right now but we have to plan first because we don't know why he came to your house".Yuki just nodded as a sign of understand.

One hour later...
Yuki and I went back home and yuki opened the door house first and followed by me.Yuki saw Asuza sitting on the couch with his father.I sit at the another one sofa,front of the sofa they sit.Yuki
just stood on the edge of the sofa that asuza and his father were sitting on.She said"what's the point you coming here?Or I will just shut your mouth with this sword".She said it with holding her common sword used in her training with Natsuki sensei.Asuza said"woah,come on.I came here to send you this letter.Sword Fight Tournament at our academy".Yuki put down her sword and took the letter from Asuza.Asuza and his father take a leave from her house.When Asuza got into his father's car and said "get ready to be defeated and die,Yuki.I won't lose to you again".Yuki sit on the couch and read the letter for more details about it.Yuuko and Yuika asked"what it's said?".Yuki answer"I have to join the match and there has to be a man to join the match.Or you can't join it.What the rules is that?". Misaki asked"who you will ask to join you in that fight.Ahh,I have an idea.How about you ask Seiji for it?He is a swordsman too".Yuki replied"he doesn't want to continue being a swordsman.He want to help his mother with that cafe".Misaki just oooooo when heard it.Yuuko said"how about Free?You said that he take swordsman course too,right?".Yuki looked towards me and whispered"let's talk outside". I just followed her when she get outside.

*Next chapter.I don't want to sleep.I want to continue it.But I can't do that or else I will get mad by my mom.😦

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