Chapter 15:Misaki x Silas

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I and Yuki get back home from that teleport thing.When Yuki and I entered the house,Misaki waiting at the front of door and the door hits Misaki's face.Misaki sulked afterwards and she said"I don't want to support you when you're fighting in a match. It's really hurt you know?". Yuki stuffed sugar candy one of Misaki's favourite thing in Misaki's mouth.Misaki forgot what she said to yuki after enjoying the sugar candy that Yuki gave to her. I just heading to my and Valt's room to packed my things. Meanwhile,Yuki asked everyone that will follow us to go Spain because only have two dragon,one is Yuki's and her father. Everyone in the living room raised their hands as a sign of yes. Suddenly Yuki's father call his dragon partner,Kazuki and then its landed in front of the door house next to Kurai who was sitting by the door."Let's go",said Yuki's father,Naomi Kurone.
Everyone is divided into two groups, one with Yuki and the other with her father. Misaki and Yuika with Yuki. I,Valt and Yuuko with Naomi Kurone.

After a few minutes........
We arrived at the front of BC SOL's main door. Kurai and Kazuki landed us but suddenly Kurai's tail hit Silas(sisco) that walking nearby. Silas felt angry and he hit Kurai's tail but didn't do it because Misaki stopped him. Misaki said"it just an accident. Anyway Kurai only an animal unlike you".Misaki showed her anger cute face to Silas. Silas just looked at Misaki mockingly and Yuki slapped Silas's right cheek.She take Misaki to somewhere else.After that,I said to Silas personally"it's hurt,right?Next time don't do it because Yuki hate someone that make Misaki mad".Silas just sighed angrily and leave us.Meanwhile,Yuki said to Misaki"you think that guy will scared at you,just with that angry face of yours,No".Misaki just looked down when Yuki mad at her.Misaki said"how about you apologize to him.I know I'm not like you with really creepy face of yours".Yuki just sighed and said ok.Yuki and Misaki peeking at Silas who was practicing beyblade in the training hall.Yuki pushes Misaki to go towards Silas to apologize.Silas shocked when Misaki at beside him.Misaki said"I'm sorry because of what just happened and for what Yuki just did to you".Misaki bowed down to Silas as she always do after apologize to someone.From far,Yuki only grinned. Misaki's face turned red and she ran out from the hall.Yuki chase Misaki because she worried about her lost at somewhere or something else happen to her. Silas being confused with Misaki that running away with an embarrassed face from him. I showed up myself and Silas shocked one more time.I asked"do you like her?".Silas asked me back"who?Misaki?". I just nodded as a sign of yes.Silas looked the other way. I smile mockingly to Silas.Hehehe

*End chapter 15

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