Chapter 23: Ehhhhh.

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Free De La Hoya POV
We go at MDSA's rest corner to do some discussion but suddenly Ryou and Rei stopped us and ask to follow them to somewhere.

For a few minutes,
We were at the place that kinda gloomy.
"Rei, what is this place?",asked Yui.
  "Oh,you don't know,huh? You should know about it. You are the one who make Yuki being imprisonment. Just because of you. I hate you,Yui.",said Rei. Yui shocked with what Rei says to her.
   "Do you have proof to say that I am the one who make Yuki being prison?"asked Yui.
   "If not because of you,then who?", asked Rei. 
  Yui slapped Rei and say"I AM ONE OF YUKI'S FRIEND AND HOW I POSSIBLY BETRAY MY OWN FRIEND. SHE.." said Yui angrily and she left us when she started to cry.
Ryou smacked Rei's head gently and said"cause of your laser mouth, I can't tell her about what that I have to say to her. Hmmph". I left them and find a place that I can take a nap. But...when I try to get a nap, I heard someone crying. I think it was Yui. Huh, disturbing my nap time but... I don't know how to comfort a girl. I will try first.
"Yui,why are you at here?", I asked.
  "Umm, I feel mad cause of Rei say to me. It feel like that I am betraying my own friend. I never have a friend like Yuki since I was a kid. She is the first friend that I have.", said Yui.
  "I forgot to tell that you and I can call Yuki everytime because that Natsuki give only two person that can call her.", I said.
   "For real? I want to call her now.", said Yui and just left me while I'm not done talking yet. Suddenly, someone throw me a hairpin. It's Yuki's hairpin.
  "Yo,Free. I'm up here." said Yuki.
  "You should being prison right now but how you at here?" I asked.
   "Why you don't want me at here? Ok, I will go now, see ya." said Yuki.
   "No just being astonish when you at here. Oh,did Yui manage to call you?", I said.
    "Nah,she can't call me because I have two phone number. Only one that she know. One more number you know it.", said Yuki.
    "Umm,ok. But how you escape from Natsuki-sensei?", I asked.
    "It's secret but I will tell you later.", said Yuki. She grabbed my hand and throw me at a white bird that I never saw before. She jumped on it too.
    "This is Akarui,my first demon bird. That being gift by my mom.", said Yuki. I just ooo to it.
   "Where we are going?", I asked.
   "See Natsuki Kagane. He help me a lot and he want to meet you.", Yuki said.
    "Natsuki Kagane? Never heard that name but kinda familiar. It's Natsuki-sensei's real name or his twin brother's name?",I confused.

   A few minutes later,
"Natsuki-sensei (Natsuki Kagane), we have arrived.", yelled Yuki. "Finally,you came. Oh, Free. Nice to meet you. Do you still remember me?", said Natsuki Kagane.
  "Maybe...Oh, you're an assassin teacher,right?.", I said. Natsuki Kagane just nodded with smile on his face.
   "Sorry to interrupt you two but what today's information.", said Yuki.
    "How about you two come in to my house,first? And have a cup of tea.", said Natsuki-sensei (Natsuki Kagane). We entered the house and.... it's so Japanese.

To be continued....
I hope you enjoyed this part. I'm sorry cause late for publishing this chapter. I really really busy at that time. 😭.

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