Part 12

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Happy (very late) secretaries day!! The 21st of April. The chapter took longer than anticipated! It is a longer chapter. Hope it was worth the delay. 


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19 December 1980

7:00am Friday


Paul had the meeting with Johnson today, you'd set it up earlier in the week. You came along to these to take down notes and record the gist of the conversation. It came useful for future reference, and was added to the files for the case. There was some stuff to do in the office before then, but you'd both head out by ten.

Often in the mornings, Paul would take the time to organize his things for the day and then pick up where he'd left off. You also did some accounting type work, as well as managing his schedule.

At the moment, you were looking through some files you'd typed up, papers relevant to the case with Johnson.

About an hour passed, and you came by Paul's office to drop by a cup of tea. When you sat it down, Paul glanced briefly up from his paperwork, offering a quick smile.


You gave a nod. You stalled at the doorway, resting your hand against the frame.

"You've got that meeting with Johnson today. In a couple hours, so we should leave in a bit."

Paul chucked a bit, still engaged in his writing.

"Oh, that Johnson..." He said playfully to himself.

"What of Johnson?" You said.

Paul stopped writing and looked up, tapping his pen lightly on the desk.

"He's a real firecracker of a man. Something shoved up there real good..." Paul mused. "If you ask me, I think he jus' needs to get laid...workin' too hard will do that to ya."

"Ah, I see." You said.

Soon it was nine-thirty, and you'd called for a car to take the both of you to Johnson's offices.

"Paul, the car's out front." You said, again in the doorway to the office. Paul looked up from his work, then began to get together the papers he needed.

Walking past you, he stalled, a hand curling around your arm.

"Ey," He began, his tone light, expression neutral. He looked at you. "How about a kiss for luck?"


You wrinkled your nose, amused smile on your face.

"So early." You said. "Can't wait until the end of the day?"

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