Part 19

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Just a heads up just in case, there's some description of illness in this chapter! I'm not excessive with it, but just letting you know it's there.

5 February 1981

Thursday 7:30am


You woke up that morning unable to move.

Well, you could move, but it felt as if a 300 pound man was seated on your chest.

It took you a moment before you noticed your alarm going off. Your head rang, a pressure throughout the whole thing. You didn't feel half good. Not very good at all.

Your head was a muddled mess, a constriction to your entire body. The incessant ringing was enough to drive you mad.

You forced yourself out of bed, limbs heavy. Your head throbbed at the audacity to move. You slammed your hand down on the digital alarm clock.

"Dammit." you groaned. It felt like your mouth was full of cotton.

The moment you sat up, the nausea hit you. It wasn't just a pull on your stomach, but full on rejection. You dry heaved.

You braced yourself on your arms, keeping yourself upright.

"Dammit, hell." You hissed.

You felt gross as well, icky sweat covering your skin. You shivered.

As horrible as you felt, you had to bathe.

You dragged yourself out of bed, head throbbing and vision blurring as you stood up.

The moment you reached the bathroom, the nausea shot through you. You darted to the toilet, expelling the contents of your stomach.

"Ugh," You groaned wearily. Tasted disgusting. All acidic.

You wiped your mouth, flushing the nasty stuff down.

You peeled your nightgown from your body, shivering as the room-temperature air hit your skin. You filled the tub with hot water, sinking into it.

That instantly gave you a level of relief at least. Your head still throbbed, feverish and hot, but your body felt a lot better. You ran a wet hand across your forehead, relishing as the water there cooled, allowing the cold air to hit your face.

"Hell..." You grumbled.

You normally bathed at night, but you had to run a bath right now. You felt so very terrible.

It was well after the water cooled that you dragged yourself out of the bath. It didn't really do much after the fact, exhaustion returning to your body.

You wrapped your towel around yourself, shivering. Your head still pounded, dizzy to all hell, but at least you felt clean. You still had horrible nausea, but luckily you had nothing more to expel.

You crawled back into bed, burying yourself underneath your blankets. You wanted to fall back asleep.


You had to be at work in half an hour. Dammit....

You had to call in.

Sad too. It was your second to last day. You thought you had a couple more days to go.

You forced open your eyes, wrapping your blankets around you. You made over to your living room, over to your phone. The short distance felt much longer, time slowing to a crawl.

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