Part ??

198 11 27

There are mentions of pregnancy loss ahead, brief warning if that is difficult for you.

Also, grab a drink or something, this one is really fucking long. Like longer than any chapter I've done. Size of a short novel. Or read it in parts, maybe. 26k words!

19 May 1981

6:00pm Tuesday


You were resting in your flat after work. It had been hastily made up, but it was familiar to you now.

You made yourself some tea, settling in for the night. You'd come home half an hour before.

You turned the radio to an easy listening station, and started on your dinner, when the phone rang.

You hadn't been expecting any calls, but made over to the set regardless.

"Hello?" You said.


You were quite surprised to hear the familiar voice again.

It was soft and melodic, just as it was in your memory. And yet, it felt off somehow.

It had been about four months since you'd resigned.

"Paul?" You said, taken aback.


You realised what it was. Paul always seemed cheery by default. Though at the moment, it was more subdued. Not sad, really, but more reserved and mellow.

He hadn't said much, but hearing the gentle intonation just now made you realise, you'd missed his voice. Hadn't heard it since February.

Still, it was odd for him to call, now of all times. He hadn't after your final night together, nor any further after that. You weren't expecting him to, of course. But if he hadn't called then, why now?

You were at a loss for words, waiting for him to speak. He was the one who had called, not you. It seemed he was hesitant to say whatever he'd called for.

"Didn't think I would hear from you." You said. "Do you... need anything?"

There was more hesitance on the other end. You were wondering if he'd hung up.


"Right." Paul said, curt, as if frustrated with himself. "I need to see you. Lunch or something..."

His insistence made it difficult to refuse. What else could you say? It didn't seem like he was asking for a date, in any case.

"Alright..." You said. You kept your tone level, though your worry might've slipped through.

You really couldn't think of a reason he'd be calling. And his demeanour was odd as well.

"Right." Paul said. He seemed hurried, maybe just hasty. "Are you free this weekend? Sunday?"


Not much else to say.

"Does ten work?" He said.

"Yes, er..." You said. "Where?"

"Uh..." Paul began. "Here, just this place by my office. I'll give you the address. Do you have paper handy? Just in case."

You hurriedly jotted down the address as Paul spoke it out. Also the date. You tended to forget even important things if you didn't make sure they weren't written down.

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