Part 31

293 16 3

25 April 1981

8:40am Saturday


It felt like a good long while you were asleep.

But you eventually did awaken.

Unlike before, Paul wasn't curled around you (like a needy pet), but rather beside you, seemingly still asleep.

There wasn't a lot of room in the bed, a size smaller than his. Paul's back was turned, but you could feel it close by, the warmth of it. Your side was pressed against him, difficult to avoid it.

Though... the contact was pleasant. Worryingly so.

You didn't want to move away. His breaths were sweet. And so was his scent.

He slept so gently, his body resting in a lovely manner.

It was making it difficult. It's what had gotten you into this mess in the first place. But...

He was right there. Right there pressed to you. It would be so easy!

And Paul would like it too. The fear of causing him discomfort was the farthest from your mind. He would very well enjoy it, and want it. He'd made that clear enough.

Hell, that's what he'd expected in the first place! To pick off right where you'd left off, all happy to step into some domestic lustful bliss.

The issue wasn't whether Paul would reciprocate. It was that it'd confuse him. String him along, create a false expectation. Paul would only end up disappointed, or hurt afterward, all because you'd given into that temptation.


It wouldn't be so bad to give him a cuddle and a peck on the cheek, would it...?

Very sweet. Even without the sex, Paul's body was very nice to touch. Very soft and warm. Bigger than yours.

You could touch him. It'd be easy.

Stroke your palm over his body, over the softer fabric of the nightclothes, yet very warm from the duvet and skin beneath it.

The curve of his waist... it was nice to squeeze him there. Paul liked it too. Hand stroking over the hip, teasing the skin. The ends of his hair, breath on your shoulder. He was sensitive at the nape of his neck, and it made him shiver.


Where he was very warm...?

Between the thighs. The delicate, (and additionally, wonderfully sensitive) skin there, the soft fuzz of dark hair, more of it the closer you got...

If you moved your hand higher, just teasingly slow enough, his breath would gasp. Paul would tense in anticipation. Pulling him closer, moving it higher...


You stayed still, not attempting to lay a hand on him, because you knew what it'd lead to.

You almost found it funny. In a cosmic sort of way. As if Paul was the lady who's virtue you were hyper-conscious of, respectful to a fault. How ironic. You both damn well knew Paul had no virtue to protect... the harlot.

Your mind wandered.

You wondered...

What if you were to seek such things elsewhere?

You weren't with him. You'd made that quite clear.

You couldn't help but find yourself thinking back to Delia.

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