Part 42

311 13 13

30 May 1981

5:00pm Saturday


You returned home after an afternoon shift at the library. You were a bit hungry. You really should've eaten earlier.

Supposedly, there would be a growth spurt in the coming days, which might account for it... you weren't looking forward to that.

Suppose it was necessary though. A growing child was a healthy one...

You had a key for a while now. Both of your flat... It was odd to think of.

In truth, even if you were a welcome addition, it was technically still Paul's. He was the one to pick it out, to furnish it, to live there for years before knowledge of your existence.

For it to really be the both of yours, you thought, it would need to be something that belonged to the both of you.

But you didn't expect Paul to get a new flat. What mattered was that you both had a flat to live in, a nice one at that.

You came down the now familiar hall. It was regular as flat complexes went, if not a bit nicer. Lawyer money, you supposed. It wasn't overtly stuffy though, Paul didn't seem like the type for that in any case, even if he could afford it.

Likely, when first buying this flat, Paul only got what he needed, no more, no less.

Something small, but practical, enough for himself. He didn't need anything bigger, nothing but extra space he needed to have clean.

You felt bad for him when you thought about what it must have been like.

Recently widowed, having lived in the countryside to collect himself and grieve, but life went on. It didn't wait for you. So, he'd found a place in the city, and resumed practicing law, what he'd studied all those years to do. Intended to provided for the family he wouldn't have.

Even if it wasn't yours, you liked the flat. It had become a home of sorts. A departure from isolation, for starters.

It was a good place, though. Natural light came in through the windows, nicely put together. It had a nice atmosphere overall.

It wasn't extravagant, but it didn't have to be so large. It would be quite fine for just the three of you, a room fit for the nursery. There'd only be three. Well, you didn't know...

Hell, you wouldn't think of all that. Even if Paul was awful coy with his teasing. He was just doing it to get a rise out of you. And he did! How couldn't he? You were a mercurial sort.

For the moment, things were alright between you, and you had this coming child to focus on. You didn't need to spend time pondering the future. The future was always so temperamental.

You opened the door.

It seemed that Paul was home already. You could hear some muffled voices. Only conversational level.

That was odd. He had company over? Or on the phone? Suppose you hadn't quite talked about such things... but you assumed he'd mention if he was expecting guests.

Stepping past the entryway, you saw Paul seated on the couch. He smiled in greeting.

You were always pleased to see his pretty face. You smiled back, though somewhat confused.

It must be a good sign, upon walking through the door, to feel a softness seeing him.

You turned your head.

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