Part 46

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18 June 1981

6:00pm Thursday


The day of his birthday, unsure of what else to do, you'd made him a cake.

Paul seemed rather elated, as if he wasn't expecting anything. It was only a cake...

You'd gotten groceries earlier in the day, as to make it a better surprise. Red velvet with cream cheese frosting. It was a flavor you liked, anyhow. You didn't know Paul's preference.

"You've already got me what I wanted." He said. "I don't have to come home to an empty house, with nothing too look forward to. I've wanted this, y'know."

His eyes were wide when talking to you, as they got sometimes. He had such big eyes, looking like a deer in headlights. You'd always found it endearing.

He didn't show his age much in disposition. Cheery, energetic, more than you were.

You just ate some more cake, not one for being flattered. You didn't even like cake much, except for this flavor. Well, being a birthday, cake seemed right. As of now, though, it tasted incredible. You felt like you were constantly hungry.

"No, really." He said, defensive. "It's what I've wanted. I had my fun when I was younger, then settled down, but y'know what happened..."

He blew out a breath.

"It's like I've been stuck for the past ten years." He said. "Was procrastinating I think... didn't change things. But y'know, years go by when you don't notice them. I might've just stayed that way, until I got too old for even that, and died, made nothing of it all besides a comfortable living."

Though Paul's tone was still light, you never knew how to respond to such things.

"That's heavy." You said, attempting to sympathize.

Paul seemed to appreciate the effort despite it. He firmly gripped your hand, but only a moment. He didn't seem one for prolonged heavy discussion either.

"Thanks for the cake." He said.

You patted his hand.


The sun seemed about to set.

You turned toward him.

"What'd you wish for?"

You'd gotten a pack of candles, but it'd only come with ten. Paul had made a quip about it.

"Healthy baby." Paul said, skin crinkling under his eyes as he spoke.

You rubbed his stomach, making him startle.

"Good luck with that." You said. "But... you're not supposed to tell anyone, or it won't come true."

Paul scoffed.

"Well, you asked!"

"It's a devil's trick, Paul." You said, scoldingly. "You're supposed to see through it. Don't give into temptations, always be on guard."

Paul gave a dry laugh.

"As if." He'd said. "If I hadn't "Given into temptation..."

He jabbed you in the side as you had done.

You leant forward, wrapping your hands around his shoulders, kissing him on the mouth.

He smiled into it. Usually his teasing would be met with pushback, but as it was his birthday, you'd indulge him for once. Just once.

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