22 | The Homesick Travelled

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Part 02 of I Was Everything With You a BeomKai AU

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Part 02 of I Was Everything With You a BeomKai AU

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That was what Beomgyu always felt when he was far from Huening Kai’s warmth and gentle embrace. He never wanted to be far away from the younger, Beomgyu wanted Kai close—perhaps even a heartbeat away, or their pinkies interlocked like a promise, and maybe a breath away underneath the shining moon.

“Kai,” he would whisper under his blanket, and Kai—who was sitting on the floor while playing with his phone—would look at him, “Hyung?” he would call back.

“I miss my home,” Beomgyu would answer after a few seconds of silence, and this would always make Kai chuckle. He’d put down his phone, walk over to the elder, lie down on the bed, and Beomgyu would dig himself out of the blanket and pull Kai in for an embrace.

Kai would wrap his arm around Beomgyu’s waist and the other patting the elder’s fluffy hair. And Beomgyu would hum in a way that was so soothing like a lullaby, then with a small voice that Kai loved so much, he’d whisper, “I’m home…”

Kai was Beomgyu’s home, and Beomgyu was Kai’s everything. They found that unique warmth in each other’s arms, that baby scent whenever they’d hug, and the galaxies in their eyes everytime they stared at each other before drifting off to slumber.

It all felt like home. Their warmth being the fireplace. Their voices being the music played in a vinyl record player. They only had the two of them, but it was more than enough, they were enough. Always.

Then that night came, underneath the starry sky, the moon watching them from behind the clouds, just outside their dorm building. Past midnight, the city wide awake, their hearts beating in a romantic way.

They escaped from their cages, from the guards, didn’t mind getting locked outside, because they had each other—and that will always be enough.

“It’s midnight but the stars are awake,” Beomgyu looked up, his eyes twinkling with the stars, “I wonder if they sleep.”

Kai chuckled, pulling Beomgyu closer as they stood on the rooftop, their hoodies over their heads. “I don’t know, do they?” Kai smiled, looking at Beomgyu in the most endearing way that had the elder blushing and clearing his throat.

“Maybe,” Beomgyu shrugged, “But it’s unlikely for stars to sleep,” a pout made its way to his lips. Kai wanted to kiss him so bad, and Kai knew what Beomgyu loved—a kiss, right there on the forehead, underneath a peaceful sky for the stars and moon to witness.

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