Chapter 1

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"Mishti! Mishti! Come on, go get ready!"

"5 minutes, ma!"

"Mishti, guests will be here soon. I want you to get ready and come down within 15 minutes now."

"Okay mom!"

I close my Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and keep it aside and decide to actually start getting ready. Today, I happen to turn 18. I am excited to step into adulthood but the Papa's princess in me, doesn't want to. My parents love me. A lot.

I open my wardrobe and take the outfit that my mom got me for tonight's birthday party. It is a very beautiful magenta off-shoulder dress. I put on light make up and leave my hair free. I pair it with my black heels. Yep, perfect.

As I open my door and walk downstairs, I hear the voice of the person I've been waiting to see for the last 6 months.

"I will be the first person to wish my barbie doll tonight. Happy birthday Mishtu!"

"Teddy!", I run and jump into the arms of my brother, Kunal Maheshwari.

It has been 6 months since my nerdy brother visited us. He just got graduated from Mumbai University last week and I didn't know he was supposed to come back to Rajkot tonight. My brother lived in our father's apartment in Mumbai for the last 4 years during college. Well, he and his best friend.

"I didn't know you were coming back! You never told me Teddy!"

He chuckled and said, "Mishtu, do you know how surprises work? They are not meant to be revealed."

I roll my eyes and walk over to my parents and take their blessings. The three of them give me my gifts. I keep them on the table beside me and watch my parents bickering. My parents, Rajshree and Vishambher Maheshwari are very much in love and I hope to find someone one day who will love me the way my father loves my mother.

I am a sucker for romance. I very truly believe in love and fairy tales. Also, Bollywood movies haven't helped me much in bringing down my craze. I always believe I will somehow find the Raj to my Simran one day. In fact, I already thought I did, but it is just that I don't think my Raj ever considered me to be his Simran. But to be honest, I was actually too young, around 12 back then and it has been around 4 years since I saw him. And also, I did not tell him about my feelings, nor did I drop any hints. Maybe that is why he did not consider me. Anyways, I can still find a Raj at college, right?

College. I just finished school with 96.8%. My parents and family were ecstatic when my results were out. I've always wanted to study well and make them proud. I am planning to take up a three-year course on Electronic Media, which covers different bases like audiography and journalism, at the University of Rajkot. I aspire to become a journalist.

Slowly, a lot of guests start to come in. As my father introduces me and my brother to them, I realise that most of them happen to be my dad's office staff and clients. My father owns the Minal Enterprises, which is a group of companies, named after myself and Kunal. He started the company when we were quite young and he has been running it successfully for a long time now. Now that Kunal has completed his education, my father will hand over the company to him in a couple of years, after he gains some working experience. I am pretty sure he will be a good boss.


I hear the shrill voice of my schoolmate, Naira Singhania. Naira is a tall and lean girl, with long, wavy, dark hair. She has black eyes that sparkle almost all the time. She is one of the most stunning people I have seen. Ever.

I find her standing at the doorway, with a gift box in her hand. I run and hug her, as she wishes me.

"Welcome to the club of 18 Mish!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!", I bow to her deeply, princess style, and both of us start laughing.

"Naira! It's been so long since we saw you, beta. How are you? How are your parents? Aren't they coming tonight?", my mom walked up to her and hugged her. My parents consider Naira as their second daughter. Naira is my only best friend from schooldays and she has been with me through thick and thin. Being the nerd that I am, most of the people at school did not want to be my friend. Well, I didn't care much, because a really weird guy told me once that it doesn't matter if you have a lot of friends for namesake. What actually matters is if you have that one friend, who will not leave you in your time of need. Naira is that friend for me.

After talking with her for some time, my parents call me to cut the cake. It is my favourite chocolate chip cake, which says "You're 18 years young, Mishtu!". This must be the work of my brother. Only he can come up with captions like these.

As I am about to cut the cake, a voice stops me.

"Are you guys celebrating without me?"

This voice still sends chills down my spine. It is his voice. Only, it has become even more deep and manly, if possible. I do not want to look up from my cake, no I will not. My heart beats so fast, that I feel as if it would burst out any second. Steadying myself to do the unavoidable, I slowly look up, only to get stunned. No amount of calming could steady this fast-paced heart of mine, which would behave like this only in his vicinity, only him. If anything, my heart is beating even faster. In these 4 years, he has grown up to become even more handsome, if that is possible. He wore a black shirt and black jean with a black suit on. His black hair was messed up and he gave all of us that heart-warming smile of his. His hazel eyes were as hypnotizing as ever. Oh god, how can you create someone this perfect!

As the reality sunk in that he is really here, a low whisper left my mouth.



Hey guys! This is the first chapter!

And this book will be a very cliché one and I will try to make it is as interesting as possible!

As this is the first time I am writing, please let me know your feedback!

Thank you!

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