Chapter 21

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As planned, we have reached Mumbai by 9 in the night. Since we have almost 3 hours before midnight, we decided to visit the famous Marine Drive. We enter the premises and look at the beautiful view in front of us. The dark night sky with a crescent moon is completely filled with bright twinkling stars. In the distance, I can see long, huge buildings that are illuminated and glowing due to their golden lights, forming bright reflections on the vast expanse of water, which takes my breath away. Involuntarily, a gasp leaves my lips.

Both of us settle down on one of the rocks. This place is even more beautiful than I expected it to be. It is absolutely breath taking and yet, very peaceful. But somehow, my heart feels heavy and there is something that nags the corners of my heart.

Ever since I woke up after a short nap this afternoon, I cannot help but feel that Abir is being a little distant with me. When I asked him, he said that there is nothing bothering him, but I can very clearly see that he is lying. He kept looking out of the window throughout the journey, with his hands crossed across his chest. His eye brows were scrunched together slightly and his lips were slightly turned downwards, something he would do when he was thinking very seriously. His eyes were slightly unfocussed and he did not smile genuinely again.

We sat together for some time in utter silence. I decided not talk to him now because I could say from his behavior that he needs some time alone to think about whatever it is that is bothering him.

Our silence was disturbed by a phone call. Abir picked up his cell phone from his pocket and a small smile appeared on his face as soon as he saw the caller ID. I looked at him questioningly with my eyes, to which he mouthed the words 'Nanu', before picking up the phone call.

"Hi Nanu", Abir spoke into the phone, "Yes Nanu, we have reached here. We are now at the Marine Drive."

He remained silent for a long time and seemed to be deep in thought before continuing, "Nanu, I will give it to Mishti.", he spoke lowly and handed over the phone to me.

"Hi Nanu! How are you?"

"Hi Mishti beta. I am good. How are you?", I heard the his ever-energetic, booming voice.

"I'm good too Nanu."

He cleared his throat, "Mishti beta, is the phone on speaker?", his voice seemed apprehensive.

His question was weird, "No Nanu."

I could hear him sigh on the other side, "Good. Now, listen to what I say. Just Hum to everything I say. Do not speak back, okay?"

I found his request very weird, "Hmm"

"Okay. So Abir is stupid. He over thinks about everything but doesn't think about it the way it is supposed to be thought. Every time I talk to him, I hint about the two of you and every single time, he would deny the possibilities. But today, when I asked him about you, he remained silent, which is a huge progress. I think that donkey has just begun thinking about this and we need to just give him some time."

Wow. This man might be old but he is super sharp and knows his stuff. He has known about my liking towards Abir since my childhood and has encouraged me, to be honest. He is the first person to have found out about it. But I never knew he has been pursuing the idea of Abir and I very seriously, all these years.

I come out of my thoughts and hum, giving him the cue to continue.

"I don't know if he can get even more pathetic. I mean, everybody knows about the two of you, except him. Even Vishambher knows. Usually, he is the slowest in understanding all this. But now, Abir has taken over that position."

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