ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚 NAME

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"I don't know I just thought he was cute " I shrug my shoulders as I sugar cote  "I mean you should try to get at him or get to know him  the way he was looking at you too plus we are going to the party you have a chance."Rania finishes her drink with a smirk on her face 

"But he's an idol and his fans could get out of hand and not do good by you or say good things to you ." Michelle sighs plopping her face into her hands with frustration 

Wow so my imaginary soon to be man is an idol that I have no chance with because he probably has hoes

"It's ok y/n you still have a chance just the fans won't know ."Rania taps my shoulder"Y'all would be so cute ." Michelle shakes me  "no stop it please ." I do a blushing smile into the arm of my jacket


I never was the type to just pull a random girl and really get to know her or want to seriously but now I am genuinely re thinking that and wanting to try . I want to see if the Ranias friend is interested she was so pretty I can't get her off my mind the way she looks at me was unforgettable 

"Mark whats Ranias friend name again with the patchy brown jeans on  ."I ask mark as he puts a smirk on his face and fixes his position towards me "Why, you thought she was cute didn't you  ." Mark tilts his head to side eye me with a biggest smirk ."Yeah maybe but what her name ."I roll my eyes trying not to make it obvious that shes been living in my head since our interaction 

I wish this man would just tell me 

"It's Y/n " Mark finally tells me filling me with joy 

"Oh ok thank you I just needed to know ."I put her name in my notes so I don't forget it later 

"yeah right you know you want some pumpum."Bambam chuckles and walks over to yugyeom to pull him off the couch just for them to walk over and "GIMME PUMPUM GIMME PUMPUM GURL." Bambam and  yugyeom tease me singing out loud like maniacs "Y'all be easy on him he just wanted to know what her name was. I thought she was pretty too I thought they were all very gorgeous ." Youngjae pulls them away defending my chose of questioning 

"Right but JB thought so too he's going to flirt with her alot when she gets here Im already knowing  but I mean it looked like she was looking at me the whole time not him  ." Jackson remarks with cockiness right before an awkward silences "Man what the fuck are you talking about ."Yugyeom throws his hands in the air in confusion "absolutely not  ."Mark shakes his head in disappointment  "Jackson ."Jinyoung     "she doesn't want your dusty ass whats so ever you don't seem like her type "Youngjae sits on the couch right next to me with his arms crossed "you were just behind him that's all it was  ."Bambam looks up at Jackson and gives him the biggest smile "Oh my bad ." Jackson sits back in embarrassment scratching his head  "but anyways I hope they come to the party I really want to get to know y/n." I panic getting ready to star cooking and setting up for this party we are having 

As we now are finished cooking and setting up for the party there is a knock at the door from a familiar voice "HELLO ." That must be them I'm fixing my hair to look better the others are doing the same with their outfits as well "OK are we ready "mark gets reassurance from us just to get all 6 head nods  before opening the door

"hi there ladies, JAY come here please ."mark looks back at be from the door  "Oh hello ladies I didn't think you guys would show up "I wave when I see y/n come from around Her other friend Michelle "Hi Michelle you look darling." Jinyoung  pushes me out the way just to flirts as we all look at him in confusion "Thank you you look very handsome yourself "Michelle flirts back with him latching onto the arm he put out for her "Go talk to him ." I over hear Rania  whisper to y/n while Im looking back at Jinyoung and Michelle.

Oh wait she's walking over to me I look back as fast as I could after just to find her right in front of me "Hi How are you I'm Y/N from earlier ." She smiles at me with her hand out ready to shape mine but i take it and pull her closer to me instead placing her under my arm ready to take her inside "I'm pretty good how are you ." I look down at her noticing that shes blushing a bit .Turning around to see mark and Rania look at me scooting me away saying "go on have fun " under their breath so i can see it but so she cant hear it .

I sit at our table with champagne and 2 glasses ready for conversation and conformation

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