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Making my way towards the middle of the Jackson and Jaebeom I try getting their attention but they are too focused on eachother

I didn't want to cause this trouble I was just panicking and calling Jackson because we were close friends and he asks me to tell him if I'm ever feeling down but never to try and tear them apart

I yell as loud as I can getting everyone's attention "all of you in the house now sit down on the couch and act like you got some fucking sense ,we will talk about this all together !" Everyone pausing looking and getting quiet walking in the house following me "Jb and Jackson come with me please everyone else sit down please."I walk with JB and jackson upstairs to a quiet room with them on 2 opposite sides sitting on the bed that in the middle of the room looking at both of them in disappointment

"Jb since you were the one I needed to talk to for a while now how about you go first and explain yourself to the both of us ." Taking a deep breath he starts

"Okay listen Me and my ex best friend -"skyla not even her real name by the way" widely opening my eyes at him " Jackson wait, continue." Taking another deep breath "me and skyla started being friends because of bambam. Mark told me when we met her he didn't have a good feeling about her at all I didn't think much of it I just thought mark just doesn't know her yet .I started interacting with her after a while and she would come onto me .I told her no avoiding her every single time but not answering her questions but she wouldn't stop I have voice recordings of the conversations and screenshots too . Today we just talked to eachother because I was still here and bam left her behind she we drank I drank a lot but she only drank just a tiny bit . She came onto me and kissed me without my permission when I had just got done saying I wanted to talk to you and I missed having you around .Being as intoxicated as I am or was it happened I don't even remember how it happened or what happened between me and her .I left my phone in the room and she answered it .Telling me after what happened I wasn't happy about it then she told me she had sex with bambam and Jackson and was using us to get round or the other boys to have an " experience" with all of us . After she admitted to drugging me or putting something in my drink .As I was kicking her out I see Jackson he's obviously upset we started arguing and he hit me first I hit him back and that's how we are here now .I promise you I'm telling the truth !" Looking down at my feet feeling ashamed that I'm even here I looked up at Jackson giving him the signal on telling his side

"I don't need to tell my side of the story you cheated and I decided to beat your ass that's it ." Shrugging his shoulders "tried to beat my ass ,you tried it was a fair fight ." Jb strikes with a smart remark "shut up ." "You shut up ." Getting tired of their shit I shut it down immediately

"listen both of you okay jb I believe you but I need to see the proof you said you had ,Jackson can we not want to fight for 30 minutes please." Jb showing us the screenshots and disturbing voice memos we look at him in disbelief

"woah dude there's no way ." Jackson rubs his head in stress while Jb looks at him with a sincere look " I told you I was telling the truth I know I can't excuse cheating but I'm telling you it wasn't to get back at you or I planned it all out" laying his back on the bed next to me with his hurting body from way to much going on tonight Jackson gets up " I'm going to let you guys talk about this I'm going down stairs I'll try and explain everything clearly to them ." Walking his way to the door "Jackson we will talk later okay ." Jb making him stop in his place as jackson nods his head giving him a yes

"y/n I'm sorry , I really am I really like you okay I just thought taking a break would be better for us later but I was bored and I could sleep without hearing your voice at night .I don't know why I said that I just thought we needed time way to heal a bit but I don't even know anymore. I know you may or may not forgive me for this please believe me I understand but I hope you know I wouldn't do this to you on purpose to hurt you or make you feel any type of way that's the last thing I want to do ."

I don't even know what to say

"Jb just give me some time okay like a few days I'll think about our relationship and my future and everything going on ." Looking at him tapping his back
"But you look pretty bad so imma get your face cleaned because there's dry blood everywhere." Getting up just to get pulled down by his grip again . " y/n you were listening to me right ?I really love you okay and I don't want you to leave me I do realize I keep fucking up and promised I wouldn't do it again and I'm sorry I fucked up the chance you gave me but please it's been so long since we were first together.I know I say that a lot but for real it the only reason It's the one reason I ask for you to date here for this .Everything I just said I mean it it's coming from my heart and drunk words . You mean the world to me y/n please."

He's right drunk words are sober thoughts as bambam always says

Keeping my composure I look at him standing infront of him

"Jaebeom you're one interesting man ,I'll think about it but also we weren't together really we are on a break I'm not really triggered anymore I earlier but after hearing your story I'll tell  you im quite moved but you should still give me think time .I am upset about the sex with another girl but but also there's no much I can do we aren't really fully together right now .NOW let's get you fixed up ." Going to the bathroom to get out stuff to clean his face up with and get all the hard dry blood off him and his clothes  I sit infront of him seeing tears flow out his eyes

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