ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟝 BABY

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She looks so gorgeous I'm so happy I have her yeah I fucked up that one time at the party but it won't happen again I love her to much for it to happen again

She's my everything now last night was fun but now I know that she mine now and that my stress is lower so our we won't argue as much or at all

She's starting to wake up as I'm staring at how beautiful she is

"Mhhhhhm grand rising ." She says "what now ." I say she's never said that to me "say grand rising instead of good morning." She puts her hand in my face "oh ok grand rising." We cuddled for alittle longer but got up to take showers

"Can you do me a favor ." She sits on the edge of the bed " oh oh ok ." I realize her legs hurt so I pick her up as she wrapped her legs around my legs my waist and carry her to the bathroom

"Thank you ,you are so nice ." She says taking all of her clothes off as I turn the water on "you wanna get in with me if you know what I mean ." She says " I thought your legs hurt ." I say " they do but I still." She says pulling me in by my tank top and kissing me

After getting out of the shower and doing 3 rounds in there we start eating breakfast  "jaebeom can I ask you something ." She asked  "yeah of course." I said back "if I got pregnant with you would you stay with me and the baby ." She plays with the end of  her shirt

"Of course I would why are you actually." "NONONO I was just asking it's been on my mind." She cuts me off "well if you want to just let me know when you want to have a kid ok ." I say "oh yeah of course."

"Do you want one right now ." I ask "uhh do you ." She asked me "its all up to you ." I say back  " well I don't know I just feel like you aren't really for that ." She says "I mean I don't know if I am are you ready."I say

"I don't know ." She says "ok ." I say back ending this sequence of questioning

One of my cats jumps to y/ns lap and sits on her lap going to sleep

"O oh ohp ok it's just falling asleep on my lap ." She says shocked at first but then not becoming such a big deal "It's ok she'll wake up in a few to get off ."

"You have your own child right here ." She says point at my cat

"Yeah kinda ."I say chuckling "hay but what about if we get another pet together that would be like our child right because we aren't ready ." I say looking at her "yeah we can do that ."

Well unfortunately the universe had other plans

𝕊𝕟𝕖𝕒𝕜𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕜 //𝕁𝕒𝕪𝔹Where stories live. Discover now