ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛 TEASE

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(I have these long ass nails on so please if theres spelling errors or anything please ignore)


I jump in his arms with a big hug


He bear hugs me

"I missed you baby."JayB says "missed you too Defsoul."I say "wait how do you know about that one ." His eyes widen "Sound cloud dummy ,I've only heard desire and ride but not deeper yet ." I say walking in the house

"Good don't listen to deeper yet I have that one special I need to save it for the right time ." He smirky

"oh my ,well I'll wait ."I say with him sitting next to me on the couch "so how have you been ."he puts out

"Good but could be better but now I'm back with you ." I say

"Oh .......I just wanna tell you I'm sorry for gaslighting you and making you feel bad and not making love to you the proper way and taking my anger out on you .I never meant it in a way as of I don't love you .I was just having a hard time with everything and I was being selfish .you where always looking out for me even during the break you made sure I was ok and you never left for La .you could've left be behind but here you are .I was the selfish one and I couldn't find anyone else even if I tried you could come to mind . I really love you I just don't want you to hate me ." He tears up

"Aww it ok I'm sorry for always making the conflict go out of line every time ."I pull his head to my chest as he lays against it and I feel wetness on my chest and his arms come Around my body

"Jae don't cry you're so sensitive this is the second time ." I say running my hands in his hair

"Ok I'm sorry ." He wiped the tears from his face and looks at my shirt that's all wet

" here ."He gives me his shirt I take my shirt of and he's just staring "what you're acting like you never seen my tits before I have a bra on ." I paused " I just miss admiring how beautiful you are ." He says then goes upstairs to get a new one for him

He comes back down asking me a very serious question

"When do you think it's the right time to marry someone."

"Ohhh um 5 years in one relationship for me ." I say "me too ." He lays down with his head on my
Thighs and legs on the couch

"Your thighs are so soft and squishy I miss this just laying here and having nothing to worry about."
He says squeezing my inner thighs but alittle close to my crotch and making me look down with my heart beating so fast

"What am I teasing you." He stands right in front of me "a little."I say looking up at him

"Just wait till later you will see the teasing will get worse."he says kissing me deeply

I feel passion in this kiss last time I felt nothing and it was just to lips touching it got a rise out of me

"Mmh Jae wait by later you mean we are going to have sex ."I ask "if that's what you want baby ." He says as I clinched my legs with my knees touching and a smirk creeps up on his face

"Mhm so that Is what you want ." He asked getting one his knees so he's at my chest level putting his hand right on my thigh "umm ......yes ." I say kissing his neck "Mmmh ok ." He says was I continue kissing his neck " mmmm fuck right there ." He moans As I reach his soft spot

My left hand reached down for the bulge in his pants and I massage it " hay s-s-stop teasing ." He moans in frustration "now you know how it feels but I'll stop ." I say sitting back

"I didn't mean stop I just meant if you're going to tease then do something." He says placing my hand right back on his bulge "not yet baby it not time", " it's almost 10:00 I think it's time hun ." " fine then be my guess." I say taking the shirt off and with that un buttoning his pants

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