ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟞 UNPLANNED

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"I know I'm sorry I just ....it was unplanned." I say "so what's the plan are you telling mom are you going to stay out there forever." "HELL NAH IM NOT TELLING MOM yeah yeah I'm 25 I'm grown but still she will kill me ." I say pacing back and forth

"Well you gotta tell her soon ." My sister suggested "I'll come out to see you with mom and our other 2 sisters .", " ok fine but don't say what happened I'll tell them when they get here ." I say scared of what can happen

"Ok see you later baebae stay safe and take care of yourself love you ." She say in a supportive way as always "ok I will I love you too ." I end the call sitting back

"What are we going to do you gotta tell jaebeom ." Rania says "I will I will tell him today I've been avoiding him for 2 weeks now I have to tell him ." I say getting up "we are coming too he had the boys with him right now too and I need to talk to mark about this ." Rania says

"Alright lets go ."

We get to the party house they own that they all meet up at

"Hello." I say as I'm Knocking on the door
"Hello OH Y/N ,where have you been baby I missed you ." Jaebeom hugs me "yeah me too I have to tell you something really important tho ." I push him off me a little bit

We are all sitting on the couch with anxious feelings in the air

"Jaebeom .... the reason I've been gone for 2weeks is because........because........."I hesitate to get out looking down at the floor

"You're pregnant ......aren't you ." Jaebeom puts out
"Yeah I'm sorry ." I say sitting back

Jaebeom walks over to me and squats so he can look at me

"There is nothing to be sorry about I'm actually happy this is happening I'm 27 and I was a bit ready to have a kid with you it's been almost a year we have been together but the main question is so you want to keep it ." He says "it's your choice ." Mark followed

"Yes but how will this work I live in L.A. I have to go back soon ." I say putting my hands on his cheeks
"That's fine just stay here for 9 more months and have the baby then you can travel back and forth so you don't get plane sick while you're pregnant." He puts his hands on my hands

"Oh and my sisters and mom are coming out to see me they don't know yet tho ." I whispered at the end

"That's fine at least I'll get to meet them ." He says getting back up

"IM GON BE AN UNCLE WE GON BE SOME UNCLES ." Bambam shouts "Yes Bambam." Jackson says "I can't wait to tell my fans and higher music."jaebeom says running up stairs

"Y/n that man really loves you .Youngjae comments "Mhm ." Jinyoung adds on

20 minutes later he comes down stairs

"Just told higher music and they are really happy for me UGHHH IM SO EXCITED i think the baby will have my nose and my tone in talking or head shape OR WHAT IF -." He keeps ranting about what the baby will get from him "I want a girl I hope it's a girl ." He says walking to the kitchen still ranting

"Look like he really wants this baby ." Michelle whispers in my ear "it's adorable tho ." I say back to her

"Ooo or maybe the baby will have your ears ."yugyeom adds on to his ranting "NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT ....THAT COULD HAPPEN ." he shouts
"The baby is going to be so cuteeee ." Bm adds on the the rant as well

"WAIT who's going to babysit." Seayna and jinyoung ask

"All of you ." me and jaebeom say at the say time

"YAAY ."Jackson says "not you I don't trust you ." I say back to Jackson "well damn ." Bambam chuckles

"Bambam i got this chapstick for you ." I give him that brown coconut oil lip gloss "OOOO WHATS that."Bambam tried it on "OOO it's so moisturizing."he smiled " do I look good ." ,"yes yes you do ." I say
"LEMME GET SOME ." yugyeom shouts on the other side of the room

"Does he know that's lip gloss." Seayna whispered "no just let him live ."I whispered back

"I'm so glad all of you came in my life you guys make me so happy ." I say smiling."

"Aww we love you too y/n ." Jaebeom hugs me then every one else Joins the hug .

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