ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜 KISS

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At around 5:30 I'm thinking about calling her I want her to come over to see me i really admire her presence and I want to get to know her more



Jb:Hiii are you done with school ?

Me:Yeah like I just got done like 2 seconds ago .

Jb:Do you have any time to come over today ?

Me:I think lemme see .

Jb:And I'll be home alone at my own house on Saturday Sunday and Monday so you can forsure come over .

Me:Ooooo yeah coo I'll come over we can get to know each other more it's only  Thursday .

Jb: Yeah oh but also my ex tries to come here and break in because she can't get over the fact we aren't together anymore . So be careful she does crazy stuff to get in your head .

Me :Oh-

Jb:And I actually really like you so I don't want her to ruin our future and what we could be you know. I really want to get to know you .

Me : I want to get to know you too Jb ! Do what me to come over today you sound sad .

Jb:You can if you want  .

Me: Ok I'm getting ready .

Jb:Oh ok let me know when you are on your way okay .

Me: oh I will I promise Bye see you later .

Jb:Bye see you when you get here .

[call ended

I love the fact that y/n is worried about me and how I sound sad .it shows that she's a good person and she's worried about me regardless of who I am .

Did I sound sad
Don't think so
As I'm cleaning up a bit the boys tell me they are going out

" We will be back okay we are going somewhere right quick.yugyeom , bambam and mark are somewhere else rn we will met up with them then bring them back with us .Did you want to go ?" Jackson and the other 2 boys boys stand at the door "Uh no I'm ok I'll stay here." I exclude the fact y/n is coming over so they don't get suspicious about me  " Alright jb we will see you when we get back ." Jackson opened the door and lets it close behind them

I get back to cleaning for about 30 minutes wondering where y/n may be right now  .what if she doesn't come ?what if she blocked me? what if she is a fan and just using me ?
As my overthinking gets worse and worse after Im done cleaning I hear a knock on my front door


I open the door hoping it's her and I see that it is

"Hay y/n ." I hug her tightly with relief "hii ." She hugs me back with the exact amount of affection
" oh wait I forgot here it's an evil eye necklace ." She gives me this necklace that looks blue and that actually looks like an eye "oh thank you so much ."I put it on handling it as if it was fragile"it's to protect you from unwanted negative energy ." Y/n explains to me as I'm walking her in "Wow thank you." I continue "Of course ." She smiles sitting down on the couch

Sit down next to her and we start talking like we did on Tuesday

As we are sitting on the couch talking about my ex and her ex and how our past relationships were she I can tell she's getting comfortable

"Damn thats crazy are you fully healed from that ." She asked putting her hand on my shoulder"yeah I had took a 3year break from dating and it made me get my mind off it ." I reassured her with a grin "But I think I'm ready again." I look at her and she's smiling and makes a tiny giggle "well just let me know when you are ready I'll forsure give you some tips and stuff ." She says back tapping my arm actually obvious "But I think I want to try with you but I don't know you are ready for that ."I confess"well if you have faith in waiting till I am we can try I just have a lot on my mind about school but I can try and make it work since I'm here in Korea right now ." She makes me blush a bit from her statement

"I have faith what are you going to say then show me ." I say jokingly with a giggle"I was actually yes ."she chuckles "Of course you were ."  I put my hand on her knee

She looks flustered scoping the warm hand on her knee "oh I'm sorry did I make you uncomfortable with doing that "I worry taking my hand back "nah I kinda wanted you to aim higher " she sits up with confidence over what she said

She so beautiful and I want her all myself

Her eye shape is so gorgeous

Her lips plum and glossy

I want to just kiss her
So I did

As I kissed y/n she kissed back passionately I pulled her leg over to the other side of my legs so now she was straddling on my lap I put my hands on her waist as she started grinding against my member
I lick her bottom lip to ask for Permission our tongues match together like puzzle pieces
I can feel her get shocked and moan into the kiss as
my member hardens against her i unclamped her bra and unbutton her pants an I move down to her neck to leave back dark purple marks behind

"Mmh Jae we can't do this your friends are home ." Shes still waiting more but knows it's wrong"they are out and not coming back until later so we have time ." I continue the kiss She starts going back to grinding against me . She takes my shirt off .I switch us to lay on her back with me ontop as we continue with grinding I push my hand higher to her chest getting the just of the size "Jae I need you now please I want you inside of me ." Y/n boldly remarks "Not yet I still have more plans."I move my hand along her body with a light soft seductive touch

My hand goes down and I pull her pants and panties down and pull my hands back up her thigh . I looking around her wet parts teasing and touching getting her familiar to it .Going back down for more kisses brushing against her clit a bit I then stick one of my fingers in as she gave a gasp into our kiss I push one more in and play with her clit with my thumb.soft beautiful moans come from her as I push another one her moans grow as I pump in and out of her while curving my fingers smoothly inside of her this goes on for about 20 minutes

Her moans getting me hard every time she lets out a noise as I play with her for a bit edging her on

"Jae I'm going to ." She lets out I cut her off "Ik ik it's ok just hold it ." I kiss her softly"but I can't please ."she  throws her head back with her eyes rolling to the back of her head "like 30 more seconds." I fix my position getting more comfortable with her

I pick up the pace of my pumping and she moans I can feel her legs shaking giving her more hickeys "Jae I can't hold it anymore." She places her hands on my back up to my shoulders "alright ma go on." She immediately cums on my fingers as I compromised with the way she's feeling

Throwing back her head and moaning out for me makes me speed up a bit just to take my fingers out seconds later .Large panting from her as I make her watch me lick her release off my fingers

"Stay here ." I go get an towel and come back to clean her up a bit She puts her clothes back on as we heard People coming up to the door it's the boys and I know I'm in for it

"WE ARE HOME AND OHH y/ns here ." Bambam smirked already thinking he knows what just went down "Don't be weird ." Jinyoung whispered horribly to bambam

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