ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟝 GOING BACK

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Come back from going shopping for my house siting in my car looking for my phone that I dropped between the seats almost finding it impossible to even think my phone was in the car I can't see it until I rings

Rania is calling me why what does she need she never calls me first unless it's something serious


Rania : hello

Me :Helloo what's up ?

Rania : I need to talk to you about something I see your car imma just park next to you and hop in let's go get something to eat

Me : I actually have food in the backseat

Rania : oh okay well never mind I just need to talk to you really quick okay

Me: okay


Rania parks next to me just to get out of her car to get into mine "Y/n I really don't want you to be mad at me about what I'm going to say ." Looking at her in confusion I hope she's not talking about JayB "it's about Jayb ." She smiles with an uncomfortable expression " nonono I'm not doing it not today." Not wanting to talk about him at the moment I want to leave the car but she pulls me back " listen just listen he called me and asked me about you he said you're messages are green now and I know you didn't change your number or get a new phone why would you block him ." She exposes my truth " because I need time I don't want to talk to him yet I'm scared ." Explaining it's nothing personal it's just I can't right now seeing him message me would hurt and I heard his song playing in one of the stores this morning and I cried in the middle of the store hearing his voice it's been 5 months I'm ready but I'm not .I miss his smile ,his voice ,his eyes ,his affection everything . I don't know why am I feeling this way like I don't want anything to do with him anymore but at the same time I do .

"Y/n I'm letting you know we are going back in 2 weeks I got everyones tickets for the flight and where we will stay .Please when we get there unblock him and try to get close to him talk to him please, I'm worried about both of you ." Putting her hand on my shoulder seeing my eyes water up just from her talking about him I shake my head in conformation hoping she understands me

I'm going to talk to him but I don't know how .Eventually I'm getting helped back into the house from Rania because I got a lot of stuff I put it all away with ranias help getting everything done I walk to the bathroom with my phone opening it going to me and Jay Bs messages I finally unblocked him and called him as soon as I did


Jayb :hello ?

Me: hay um how are you

Jayb :hay it's been so long since I last talked to you .but ummm Ive haven't been doing so well if I'm going to be honest ,I've been healing and getting myself together doing music and painting what not doing things I love but anxious about absolutely everything in life right now . Other than that I'm doing pretty good .how have you been ?

Me:I'm sorry to hear that Jay I hope everything gets better , I'm glad I called you . But umm I've been doing good I graduated I got my own car and apartment I've been just navigating the best I can in life right now you know

Jayb : yeah I'm proud of you

Me : really ?

Jayb : ofc I am why wouldn't I be just because we aren't together anymore doesn't mean I can't be proud of you I still have love for you but I also miss you a lot .I looked at my camera roll with us and I just felt like damn I miss her so much you know .

Me : yeah I heard your new song at the store today on the store speakers I'm not going to lie I did cry knowing you are still so successful I want to support you from a far but I didn't know how . Especially because we didn't talk .

Jb: I know you support me from a far because I support you from a far too . No matter how we ended I'm still going to wish the best on you .

Me: Thank you jb I'm always wishing the best for you as well

Jb : but why I mean I never mind umm . When are you coming back ?

Me: I'm coming back in 2 weeks .we can talk and meet up when I get there .

Jb: sounds like a plan

Me: okay but we can't text until then

Jb: that's fine with me i promise I know you need time

Me: okay jb I'll talk to you when I get there

Jb: okay I'll be waiting

Me: okay bye

Jb: byeee

Getting of the phone with him looking in the mirror as I'm crying again I didn't even notice it happened I don't know why everytime I hear his voice it brings tears to my eyes I used to here his voice 24/7 now I barely hear it ever I'm hoping when I go back we will be better again

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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