ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛 DIALING

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"look at him look at him ." Mark tapped bambam on the arm rapidly in excitement "love is in the air and it's infectious and to got to all of you but it will never get me ." Jackson gets up to go to the bathroom wit an irritated tone 

"jackson it will be you soon I promise  ." Jinyoung reassures Jackson giving him hope "Wait so we all seen how they looked at each other earlier today ." I look around at them with a whisper. "Yeah We noticed that he was the first one to talk about it  "she's so pretty ,was I staring ,I'm in love ."yugyeom exaggerates as he is imitating JB ."He ain't say all that but he was telling us about it."youngjae looks back over at the table the 2 are sitting at .


"Oh youre from American it seemed like you were from France the way you talk about it in a good way ." I look up at her with a head tilt  "Yeah it's so pretty out there I love it ."she hold eye contact with me for a minute.

"Your eye shape is so perfect and pretty ."I blurt out on accident "why did I do that to myself "I think to myself do I regret saying that yes but there's no going back ."Oh thank you I never really got that from anyone."she keeps up eye contact including a little eye flutter "Now you heard it from me and you're just very beautiful in general."I start smirking at her keeping up with her eye contact."stop I'm going to start geeking I love youre compliments I'm about to act up alil but you're very fine and handsome yourself ." She breaking eye contact with a little blushing

" I don't mind as long as you are comfortable you can act up as much as you want ." I shoot my shot hoping I'll make it ."Maybe I will but will you be able to keep up ."she smirk then looks away to feel a bit better about saying being risky. "Yeah of course what makes you think I won't ." I give in with more eye contact with my arms crossed "Then show me ."she looks at me one last time before looking down at her phone
"I'll show you soon " I gave her my number after she passed her phone to me

"HAY GUYS you good over here."Michelle comes over putting her arm around me "yeah we are good ." Y/n says back with a pretty smile
We know she came over to eavesdrop on us and we laughed together as soon as she walked away



The party is ending and the girls are getting sleepy bambam and yugyeom have already fallen asleep on the couch and dining table but y/n is still talking to me about her life ,what she does and I'm all ears on listening to what she has to say

"Ugh it's getting late we have to go But I'll text you when we get back to our hotel ." She stands out of her chair ."Yeah we have to go I have something very important to do in the morning." Michelle said "I'll stay here for alittle while longer ." Rania says

"I have to go with Michelle because I have to get up at 5:00 to do my college work on my computer ." Y/n frowning looking like she wants to stay longer to talk "Ok love you guys be safe see you later ." Rania hugs the 2 of them "bye BYE IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU GUYS ." them 2 yell out and give us hugs she goes down the line making me a bit jealous

When I got to y/n her hug was so welcoming and warm .She smelled good and her hug was so comfortable It felt like I knew her for years.

"Bye Beom I'll call you or text you when I get home ok ."she whisperers in a seductive voice with a tipsy undertone "I'll be waiting ." I whispered back tipsy also and attracted to what she said to me earlier

Me and Michelle get in the car to go back
We reached the parking lot of the hotel and then

"BEOM CALLED BEAUTIFUL  ."I smile geeking out and squealing "HE DID WHAT ." Michelle looks back at me with the biggest smile on her face "y'all better start texting that's all I know ." Michelle shrugs her shoulders at me "yo I was not expecting this ."I throw my hands in the air in excitement

"We were flirting and got his number ." I smiled putting my hands on my face "Are you going to call him ."Michelle asked "yes of course I am ." Bringing my head back up still with the same smile

I get to my room of the hotel and I plopped on my bed after taking a shower I call him thinking about what I will say on the call


Jb :Hello

Me :Hay

Jb :Wow you really called me ?

Me :Yeah you didn't think I would .

Jb:No I knew but I was overthinking that you wouldn't .

Me: Well I couldn't leave you hangin after you said
"I'll be waiting ."
That just made me want to do it more .

Jb :Really now ?

Me:Yeah I mean who wouldn't ?

Jb: Oh Also since you have a nick name for me I have one for you y/n/n.

Me: Awww you're so charming .

Jb:Thank you ma.

Me:Ma that's a new one .

Jb: What do you mean ?

Me:You called me a nickname now ma I can't keep up.

Jb: You will soon I promise.  When's the next time you will come over ?

Me: Whenever you want me to and when I'm not busy with work.

Jb:Oh when are you free ?

Me: mh Saturday .

Jb:Damn it's Tuesday !

Me: Yeah I'm free Saturday ,Sunday and Monday.

Jb: Cool that means you can have time to recover .


Jb :You did say that you want me to show you I can keep up so I will .

Me: Already shit might have to just come over tomorrow then .

Jb: You won't no balls !

Me: Oh I won't ?

Jb:Nope You have school work .

Me: Oh yeah you right ugh i guess I'll call you tomorrow I have to get sleep .

Jb: Ok not if I call you first just let me know when you are done with the work .

Me : I will Beom .

Jb:Ok y/n/n I'll talk to you tomorrow get some good sleep ok

Me:I will jay good night

Jb:Good night

Jb:Yugyeom please
Yg:Sorry I'll leave

Me:Is that?

Jb: Yes I'm so sorry he came in right when I said good night.

Me:It's fine

Jb:Ok good night now

Me:Good night

[Call ended ]

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