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"Oh hi guys I just came to drop somethings off but I was just about to go ." She smiles with a nervous look as Me and yugyeom side eye eachother

"Oh ok bye be safe don't get kidnapped on the way home ." Jackson's serious tone makes her laugh "jackson why  ?"Marks irritated tone also makes her laugh ." let me walk you out " Jb insists to get out of the trouble he is about to be in . As Jb closes the front door behind him and y/n we sit and think to ourselves "They definitely fucked" Jackson sits on the couch next to jinyoung while we wait for Jb to come back inside " I wouldn't do that if I was you " I point out because I'm thinking they could've did it on the couch. "Hush bambam our leader wouldn't do that we know this but I'm still not going to sit on it ." Youngjae stands right next to me and yugyeom
JB walks in blushing knowing what he did earlier and we are about to find out

"So now that she's gone what happened ?" I turn to jb tilting my head slightly "yeah what happened? "yugyeom follows after me "Oh nothing she just came to give me this necklace." Jb flashes the necklace on his neck "Oh really then what's this ." I pull on his jacket revealing one of his hickeys
"WOAHHHH YALL DID DO IT ." Yugyeom eyes widen in surprise "oh wow ." Jinyoung hits his forehead with his hand "noo we didn't do anything." Jb lies right through his teeth "Lyin ass ."mark calls his out on his dishonesty " ugh fine we did it and I wouldn't sit on the couch if I were you I still have to clean that up a bit ." Jb smirks looking over at the 2 sitting in the exact spot they did it . "Noooooo ." Jinyoung gets up fast making youngjae die of laughter

This is crazy I didn't think jb would do such a thing

He just meet y/n so I couldn't call this a relationship

let's call it a sneaky link for now

It's one not so sneaky sneaky link


"hay guys I'm back !" I yell as I see rania ,Michelle and ,seayna on the couch
"Oh hay seayna."Im surprise because I haven't seen her in a while but she lives out here so it's not impossible that she's here "So what happened with JB ?" Rania asked "oh nothing much I just gave him an evil eye necklace."I pull my jacket hoodie to my neck alittle more "Awww thats so cute ."Seayna hugs me brushing my hoodie down so my one hickey shows "wait that is this ." Seayna sees the hickeys on my neck " oh my god no way !" Michelle screams"OH MY GOSH did you guys have a sneaky link without the sneaky ?" Seayna says touching my hickey from JB

"SNEAKY LINK SNEAKY LINK ." All 3 start singing getting Bm to come out of the bathroom "What's going on ."Bm  comes out and looks so shocked at me "Oh wow so my friends do things like this now ." Bm picks up his water t drink it "I don't but I couldn't resist against this one guy he's we just so wow ." I look down at my feet wishing the conversation would end "Who ?" Seayna
"Jaebeom from got7 ." Michelle says looking at me
"DEADASS ?" Bm chokes on his water with confusion "yeah ." I shyly look aways in shame

"Y/N ." Seayna shouts with her eyes wide
"Yeah yeah i know but I was to getting to know Jb even deeper but THATS going to take some time so for now only sneaky links." I say sitting on the couch next to Rania "Wait till jyp finds out JB is sneaky linking with a foreigner ."Michelle says "PLEASE that's going to be a good conversation ." Rania face palms "Bro another thing is you are also in college let them find out you fucking around in Korea youre fucked literally."Bm chuckles "You guys would both lose your careers ." Rania comes to reality about how risky this could be "Double homicide real bad." Michelle hits Seaynas arm

"But I'm not goin to lie I fucked around with mark that one night ." Rania confesses "WHAAAAAAAT ." We all look at her with frowns "You horny freaky fucks ." Seayna doesn't remember us being this way "NOT ME ." Bm claims with lies "YES YOU ." I point at him because he knows he's lying "Whatever ." Bm rolls his eyes as he's just goes with the flow "Guys shhh ." Answering the phone




Me:What's up you ok ?

Jb:Yeah no I'm fine .When's the next time you're coming over ?

Me:Probably Friday night or Saturday night .

Jb:Ok ok ,what are your favorite snacks and foods?

Me:Uhh hit chips ,mochi , grapes , uh i don't know really .

Jb:Ok what's your favorite cake type ?

Me:Oh dark chocolate or white cream or lemon

Jb:Ooo fancy taste I see !

Me:not really but Thank you

Jb:You like candy ?

Me:Yeah I love like like sour candy and fruit candy i don't know everything is fine wit me

Jb:Yeah ?

Me:Yes I promise ,wait why ?

Nothing I just wanted to know but Ok thank you for telling me !

Me:Oh ok ,that's it ?

Yes thank you and I wanted to make sure you were okay after you know .

Me:Oh ok I'm okay I'm recovering I'm glad you called me .

Jb : I'm glad you are okay that all that matters to me get sleep ans text me when you wake up okay ,goodnight ma

Me:Bye I'll text you when I wake up Jay good night

[call ended]

"Was that your little sneaky link ." Bm pokes his lips out "yeah ." I look down and smile "awwwwwwww ." They all look at me making me geek a bit

As I walk to my room I can't stop thinking about him even when I'm trying to sleep I keep thinking about him .

I'm already hung up on him ..

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