ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞 STAY

730 19 10

It's Friday and I made plans with jaebeom to go over his house and stay for the weekend

"HAY YOURE HERE!"jaebeom greets me at the door
"Yeah I-." Jaebeom cuts me off with a peak on the lips "oh I - uh ." I say shook that he kissed me

"Come on i have a place we can go for now it's like a Mini date ."Jaebeom pulls my hand to get in the car "where are we going ." putting my seatbelt on questioning his actions "a hillside or an empty parking lot ."

"Whyy in the hell." Jaebeom puts his finger over my lips ."shhh just wait ."

He continues driving to the hill sight as I'm looking out the window looking onto unfamiliar streets

"So now that we are at a hill sight I have somethings for us ." Jae goes to the trunk to get what he needs
"Here you go ." He passes me a big basket full of snacks "oh and you might wanna get out the car for this part ." He says as I get out of the car and he does this cool thing with his seats so now the cars drivers and passenger seats are laying down and the car looks like a bed and he brings blankets out of his trunk for us

"Wow This is so cute ."Jay smiles blushing a bit gazing his beautiful smile at me




We are enjoying our food and the view but the he says "yk I never felt this happy with anyone and I wish you could stay forever with me but you have to go back to L.A. and I won't be able to do any of this with you. I've caught heavy feelings for you and I don't know how to go about it ."he sighs looking down at his phone bitting his lip trying not to let a tear out

"I mean I could stay I can just do college out here and tell them that I need to stay out here for other reasons and get my passport to say out here for a long time but that will be different Jae it may not work ." I caress his head giving him hope on how this will work

I don't even know what I'm saying I don't even think I'll be able to stay here this long it's not gonna be east to just stay here with him like that

"That would be so nice please try if you can ." Jae lays down "really you want me around that much ." I lay with him as we cuddled "yeah the guys like you and Rania and mark are best friends again and I want you to stay here , we could be so happy together maybe start a family alil further into the future I see us going very far ."Jae explains

A family damn I didn't think he liked me this much

"Maybe I will see what happens." I say siting on top of him on his lap with my hands on his toned abdomen Kissing him

" it's 11:11 it's getting late we should go back ."Jaebeom gets up everything up .I get off of him hoping he's okay with everything that might happen I might not even be here much longer 

I start to overthink what if I cant stay here then what I'll just leave him here for about 3 months or so then come back with him being different I'm scared of that I want to stay as well but it's not up to me or him

He said starting a family in the future how long does he mean it can't be too early I'm not ready for that yet I hear a voice in the back as I'm thinking of myself zoning out
"Y/n ." Looking up from the Rocky floor I'm standing on "Are you ready ." Grabbing my face looking into my eyes deeply "Oh yes sorry let's go ." Very unsure if I am ready to go on about my day

Getting in the car with him looking out the window as he continues on the hillside rode

As we are driving back to his house back on the ride he grips my thigh with his hand and keeps going from my thigh to my pants zipper getting the random urge to finish what he started I move his hand to unbutton his pants struggling with the nails that he paid for

Fuck it

Taking his dick out his pants and start stroking it slowing acting as if nothing it's happening

"Wait y/n you're going to kill us ." He moans
But I put him in my mouths and start sucking on him

"Fuck y/n you can't do this right now wait till we get home ."jaes grip get harder on the wheel

As I'm taking all of him in all his moans and groans make me want him to cum in my mouth even more  "y/n please let's wait okay ."

Popping his dick out my mouth wiping the wet feeling off my face sitting back up fixing his pants how they looked before I starting something he didn't want me to finish

As soon as he parks infront of the house I get that urge again for a second thought damn let's get in the house but once again

Fuck it why not

I go back to doing exactly what I just did before , jae rests his head on the seat whimpers come from him twirling his tip around my tongue giving myself a taste of what I'm about to get myself into pushing my head down to the bottom of his shaft .Choking a bit I come back up just to feel Jae pull on my curls "no don't stop now ,you wanna finish what I started? Then so be it ." Pushing my head down with his hand still tangled in my hair being the head pusher he is bopping my head to his hand . Sloppy moans fill the car from him as I cry against his tip from the hurt in the throat hoping the head pushing will stop but he continues to guide mouth as I feel his legs twitch and tighten from ever single bop that's made . He stops pushing on my head and reaches for my pants "don't you think you can stop keep going till I tell you to ." Getting into my pants playing with my lips finally rubbing my clit purring on him feel his touch my movements stutter in distraction of pleasure . Coming up to suck on his tip with force licking it in between I make my final move as I know he's about to cum in my mouth taking his dick in one hand hearing his moaning and whimpering I move slowly feeling his warm sticky release in my mount I don't stop like he told me to I keep going picking up my pace "ah okay you can stop now ." Struggling and stuttering to say I keep going until he says it to me out right flat . " please y/n stop I can't take anymore." I then stop licking up everything that fell out my mouth

" so sorry I didn't hear you correctly." Knowing I did I just wanted to show him I can handle my own and keep up with him

I sit back in the my seat giving him time to gather himself I feel my eyes getting heavy and close

"Y/n come on let's go get some sleep." Just waking back up to his voice coming from my door he puts me on his back .

he carries me from the car and upstairs to his too he puts me on his bed in his clothes as he gets in the bed with me after changing I watched him waiting but drifting off . I feel his warm hands and body cuddle me for us to fall asleep together

"I love you y/n good night ."

He loves me ?

This early?

Damn I need to step up my game in showing him love

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