ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟘 CALL EM

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Y/ns POV

It's the next day and I have school work to do I get up and get one my computer to start doing school work as I head talking downstairs

"Y/n ? ." Jaebum comes in the room looking at me with a concerned look

"Yeah you ok ." I ask Jae "no yeah I'm fine I was just checking on you what are you doing ." He closes the door and walks up to me

"Oh I'm doing my school work" I say with a big smile

"Oh well up I have something to tell you ." Jae sat down next to me "yeah what's up you can tell me anything." I tap his arm

"I think you need a break from me ." My heart drops to the floor "huh ." I say in confusion "our relationship is idk it's kinda toxic I think we should go on breaks more often."Jae looks at in reassuring that im ok

"I just feel like nothing is the same anymore the way you kiss me the way we make love it's not any passion anymore and I remember when I was getting like that we had a really big argument that's was never solved the right way ."Jae puts his hands through his hair

"Yeah your right but ." He cuts me off "i know I know I made you stay with me because I was selfish but I'm starting to think more now and I think this is the best thing for you and maybe if your better of without me we should break up ." He continued

"Oh ok um when do you want to start this break." I can feel tears forming in my eyes "Whenever you get done with school work ."he gets up "oh ok I'll let you know ." I say as he walks out the room

I decided to keep my tears to myself and Decided to keep going with my work because I decided not to make that big of a deal

He's just letting me down easy that's all he doesn't want to tell me he's not really into me anymore what if he found another girl he should just be straight forward with me

As I get done with my work I pack my things so our break can start I asked the girls were they are stay and they go a house in Korea and we have an extra room for me so I will be staying there in the mean time or from now on

What if he finds someone new you know so I mine as well just take all my stuff with me in my duffel bag that I had here and when I mean all my stuff I mean all of it as soon as I realized what I had in my neck I took it off and but it in one of the pockets of my duffel bag

"Jae I'm done with school work ." I crack the door a bit and the close it back

He comes upstairs as I'm just sitting there to let him know I'm leaving "um I think I should leave now the girls want to do something with me ." I say with my head down looking at my hands fidget with my rings "Oh ok well I will text you or just let me know when you get home with the girls ok ." Jae say hugging me

I walk downstairs and see Jackson and mark sitting at the table

"Byye y/n see you later ." Jackson and mark wave

"Bye guys see ya ."

"Uh ok I will ." I hug him back grabbing my bag as he walks me to the door "Also I hope you do good on your exam." He waves at me

He remembered

"Oh thank you." I says acting as if I don't want to ball my eyes out right now

"What happened now ." Rania says as I get in the car "he just said we need to go in a break ." I look out the window "aww it's ok the girls are having fun today it's the morning time so you have time to let your emotions out and get ready and then go party with us today ." Rania cheered me up

"Yeah we could do that ." I say smiling at her

8:50 pm that night

Rania ended up throwing another party and only inviting girls and about 3 guys Bm Taemin and Ten

Bm is making sure we are safe mean while Taemin is gossiping with some girls at the party and Ten is the dj playing all the good songs

"Hay y/n." Bm whispered to me as I walk past him "hm."I look back at him turning my whole body around "what happened to you and Jayb ." He asked tilting his head

"Oh uhhhm it so happens that we are taking a break and on the verge of breaking up ." I scratch behind my ear "again." Bm and a familiar voice shouts behind me

"Bro yall just got back whyy ." Fatou gives me a disappointed look "it was his idea."I look at the floor
"Oh really now" fatou sounds mad about what I just said

"Yeah but maybe it's for the best ."I suggested
"Whatever makes you happy ." Bm pats me on the

"But can't you tell he makes her happy you idiot."Fatou hits him on his arm

"Yeah But he's starting not too and I'm this close to telling him we should just break up ." I look at my phone

I start getting dragged into a quiet room with just us 3

"Ok i wasn't going to tell you but Jayb has this new girl best friend Jackson told me about not to long ago and that jayb has been flirting and being cute with her yeah yeah they just friends but .", " Jackson was talking to jayb today when he come and asked me about breaking up /taking a break ." I cut Bm off

"Call him now ." Fatou hands me my phone

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