ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟚 FIGHTS

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Is she fucking serious right now .I knew I couldn't trust this bitch I don't even know why I became her friend bambam brought her around and mark told me he had a bad feeling about her I should've listened to him .

My head is pounding whatever she slipped into my drink is affecting me.

"Get out ." Pointing at the door in my deep tone I only use when the boys are doing something they shouldn't "huh ." Bopping my head forward a bit realizing I'm starting to do y/ns little mannerisms I repeat myself "get tf out now !." Right now seeing my phone ring following her out the house I answered it


Me : hello

Ten : jb what the fuck is a girl answering your phone from what I've been hearing who are you with

Me: Ten?

Ten : yes now WHAT did you do

Me : so much shit just happened I can't even explain it my head is spinning my body hurts I can't focus

Ten: you need to explain why the hell a girl answered the phone earlier

Me: my best friend ex best friend got me at have sex with her but she got me drunk and slipped something into my drink and it's rejecting my body I I'm kicking her out as we speak but I know I fucked up dude like I told her plenty of times noo I don't want you she kept insisting please believe me

Ten : JB it's going to take more than that I need proof

Me : I have screenshots I'll send them to you and I recorded a lot of our conversations I promise you

I open the door to let her out I see jackson walking up to me pushing her out the way jackson pushes me  with force like he hates me "Jb What the fuck you tell y/n you wanted to take a break just to fuck our friend do you know how fucked you are right now ."pushing me a second time with loud yelling the whole world can hear him "Jackson chill out can we talk about this ." Getting cut off by pure anger " NO we cannot you need to talk to y/n not me and you know that you fucked up you know it ."Getting in my face triggers anger in me I push him back " Jackson what the fuck is your problem you're acting like I cheated on you ,you need to know the full story before you come at me pushing me like are you out of your mind."getting in my face once again " are you out of YOUR mind you just admitted to cheating and you can't excuse this at all you're lucky I don't fuck you up ." putting his finger in my face I can feel the anger go to my head "DO IT THEN you know you won't touch me ." Daring him to put a hand on me seeing another car pull up . "Oh I won't ." Smiling with anger I challenge " no you won't ."

I see his hand come up feeling it hit my face I punch him back causing a big fight between us dropping my phone on the ground " guys stop ." Bambam and  yugyeom  try to split us up " Fuck you Jaebeom ." Finally splitting us up I want to go back at him again being pulled back by youngjae arguing with jackson across him I get pulled back with scratches and my nose bleeding watching Jackson's black eye appear not feeling bad because he came at me first


Ten come out of the bathroom grabbing his keys "we need to go now jackson and Jaebeom are fighting we need to get them now right now ." Questions his actions

"What happened?" "He will tell you all I know is we need to go ! NOW !" We all rush out the room hopping into 2 different cars Getting into Tens car while Bm is taking all the other girls in his car we head to the got7 house

I wondered what happened I dont understand jackson said he will handle it but I didn't think he meant like that I want to cry but I want to ask so many questions what exactly happened and why won't Ten tell me what happened I'm hoping everything is okay but at the same time I'm mad because a girl answered the phone

Getting there I see Jackson with a black eye and Jaebeoms bleed from his nose I get out before ten could bring the car to a complete stop running my way between them
Sorry this chapter is short asf I don't have time rn I'll make another one later tonight

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