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I look over to see JB flirting with another girl I get kinda jealous because he's looking at her the way he looks at me so I sit back in an area where he can't see but I can see him to see what he will do

They start dancing to the song thats playing and I'm still waiting just to see as I say "there's nothing to worry about ." And look away they disappear

As I confusingly look around for them I give up and go eat something As I see them walking from upstairs

her hair messy his hair messy

Had that sex glow

They both had one hickey each

I immediately feel like everything I did was unnecessary and that I need to leave the party now and be petty to him so I do I got a taxi back to where I'm staying and as soon as I get there I slam my door room and take all the shit he gave me out of my room into a box

Y/n💞:come get your shit bro
beom💍🤍:wait what
beom💍🤍 :why what's going on hun
Y/n💞: what's going on really?!
beom💍🤍 :why are you acting like this where are you in the party
Y/n💞: I left but you couldn't tell because you were to busy fucking this other girl that came by
beom💍🤍 :wait you seen that

I'm done trying to trust people I thought he really loved me and cared for me but I should've known

I should've know
I look like a fucking idiot
He made me look stupid

I pulled the box of his stuff  out of  my room to the living room of the hotel

"Y/n open the door what happened ." My friend group outside

I open the door and I see Bm worried the most I don't think I could tell Bm he looks like he might kill Jae if I told him

" I caught Jaebeom  at the party fucking that one girl he was talking to and dancing with

"WHAT That asshole ugh ." Seayna say
"Wait you do know I'm dating mark now so I'll have him ask what was going through his head ."Rania puts out
"No I SMACKING his ass when I see him to knock some fucking sense into him ."Michelle walks towards the door as the rest of them do

"Bm you are coming too ." Seayna grabbed his wrist

As I see Bambam and yugyeom walk up the stairs and ask the group where I was and they asked them where JB was

"Hay y/n I'm sorry JB is a fucking idiot and I feel so bad ." Bambam hugs me
"Yeah I'm sorry he never gets the point and in relationships he's not that good at them I'm sorry ."Yugyeom rests his back on the wall

"It's fine it's ok I'm ok just take these to him please thank you ." I put the box infront of them and close the door

And that's when I feel it the tears I've been holding back fall out all the way

Why do I put my trust in people so early in
I really had faith in us but he never cared

"Y/n hay it's me ." I hear Jae knock on the door
"Leave." I say with trying to sound like I'm not crying "can we talk about it ." He says I get pissed and open the door

"What is there to talk about Jae I trusted you and you took that trust and fucked it over there is nothing to talk about nothing nothing at all ." I slammed the door in his face as he just gives up and leaves

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