ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟜 LA

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"Why are you crying ." Questioned by my tears falling "because I fucked up as yugyeom says cheating is a choice not a mistake and I made the choice to give in and I'm sorry I really am I know how you get as soon as you stop questioning and being upset or as you would say " tripping" off stuff like this you are done and don't even want to deal with the problem all together anymore . I just really don't want it lose you right now .Im scared of waiting for your answer."letting my tears fall knowing it's not going to move her I just tell her that way I feel as she is cleaning the blood off me

"Hay listen I'll give you the answer right now, Yes I'm upset with you just a bit but I can't be too upset right now . Another thing is I need time I want to continue the break as an actual break we should break it for right now and let eachother breath .I'm going back out it California for a bit I'll be back soon but I give it 3 months . I promise you I'll be back but not too soon . Don't get upset about because I know you are aware of what you did wrong but Still I'm going to give us and this space maybe it will get better as I come back okay ." Breaking my
Heart as if I didn't break hers before by doing what I did tonight some time ago I take into consideration of her feelings and  I agree with her

"I understand take your time I'll be here working and again I'm sorry ."making my apology known knowing how toxic it was between both of us We need to get a bit better with loving each other

" Thank you for owning but to it I would say it's fine but I would be lying ." wiping my tears away making me feel a connection with her just for a bit before she leaves again

It hurts to knowing that she's leaving again but I need to figure myself out first I think this would be perfect for us


After a few minutes downloading in my brain everything jackson just said to us then going to his room to clean up I see Jay and y/n come down the stairs . I need to talk to Jay B I tell him all the time about relationships knowing I'm somehow the best at them but never in one I'm hoping she took accountability for his actions tonight

They sit on the couch in silence meanwhile y/n looks like she's about to tell us something important

"So we have decided that Im going back to California for 3 months maybe longer to figure stuff out for myself and Jaebeom and I are going to it take a break for real and break it off for now it's for the best ." Scratch her face taking deep breaths as we let understanding come out of our mouths " So what am I going to do now I'm going to be as bored as ever I don't talk or hang out with many people here ." Bm trying to brighten the mood "Just hang out with us ." I add on hoping for a closer friendship with him because he seems like a nice person "Sure why not ." shaking his head in agreement

Ughhh I'm sad that she's leaving she was nice to us and she had a good presence unlike Skyla

" can we all agree that Skyla's energy was off from the start ." I look around as everyone looks at me
" I KNEW IT I DIDNT LKE HER THAT MUCH EITHER ." Mark yells out in satisfaction that he was right this whole time making us all laugh

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's thought so

But it's good to see everyone bonding and laughing again after tonight's events

"Yeahhh I knew she was off but I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt ." Jackson gets a bit more comfortable on the couch "Damn sooo all of us felt that way." Youngjae held coco knowing coco bit her at least twice "even the dog knew." Bambam laughed because he watched coco bite her both times

All of us laughed and bonded

jayb and Jackson apologized to eachother after the girls and 2 boys left

Jayb cried to Jackson about his choice not mistake hoping and wishing she wouldn't forget about him while she's in LA

I don't think she will ever forget him but coming back I have no idea

2Months later

Jayb hasn't been himself I asked him last month around this time if he was okay he said yes but this time I could tell he wasn't really feeling like himself mostly because I walked in on him while he is in his room but we all moved out the the house and have our own places now . Jackson is in china right now , Bambam is in Thailand ,Mark is in LA, and the rest of us are here doing our own thing I texted JayB asking him what he's doing it's been 3 hours so I call him but he doesn't answer

Hay what are you doing.

Jay B
Nothing really just bored

you okay ?

What's up with him maybe he's busy right now I'll text him later today but I had to get back to work


I've texted y/n 6 times last month and 3 this month my messages turned green with her last month but I'm hoping they will turn back blue again Im focusing on myself but I just wanted to see how she was doing . But my messages don't go through anymore so I stopped trying I'm just letting it go for now ans letting her come to me she will text me next month the boys don't know that she has blocked me but I don't want it tell them yet

3 months later

It's been 5 months no call , no text , nothing I don't even know what to do anymore .Im starting to think she forgot about me so I text Rania she almost immediately responded

Jay B
Hay man

Hay lil shit what's up long time no talk

Yeah I've been healing and working how are you

I've been pretty good

That's good I do have a question

What's up ?
Have you talk to y/n lately

Yeah I just got off the phone with her have you

No I haven't I think she block me

That's unfortunate do you know why she said we can travel back soon but how long have you been blocked

Like a good 4-5 months

Oh shit I had no idea I thought she would've texted you by now she's been doing good she graduated college by the way

I'm happy for her I'm proud of her for graduating but I just wanted to check on her

I'll talk to her about you as soon as she get home I promise

Thank you Rania

I  wonder why but all I can say it she's needs some time to heal from me and I completely understand that but no communication since we last seen eachother way that I really worried

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