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He takes my clothes off with his as well and starts giving me hickeys all over my body and once again fails to make me feel like I did when we first started having sex we used to be full of love and lust but now it's just getting off

"Y/n I really love you I just need you to tell me what you want and I'll give it to you I just want to make you happy ."Jae says as he holds me close

"I think we just need a break because nothing is feeling right so that means if we take a small break so we can start over and help this relationship ."I say hugging him before I get out of his grip to get dressed

"I can do that you just gotta promise me that you won't leave me behind."jaebeom still lays in the bed looking at me while I'm getting ready

"Promise." I get infront of the mirror to see the amount of hickeys I have from him from my neck to my thighs

"Bye JayB I'll see you in a later ." I say opening the door and leaving

"Bye love ."he says waving with a sad expression

"Wait actually no come back I'll try and make up for it ."JayB tries to reel me back in

"No jaebeom I can I have to go I'll see you in 2-3 weeks ." I say with a cold tone

"Fine the go on ahead I don't need you when you come back I'll have someone else with me ." Jae slammed the door


UGHH she's going to go back to la and not coming back I know she is

I fucked up why did I do that to her why did I say that

"Hay stop thinking so much she will come back I promise she promised plus she's almost done with the school work for the year ."Bambam says

"Dude she will come back to you you guys love each other to much for her to not come back ."Mark follows

"And mark and Rania are dating too so Rania will talk her into coming back if she does leave." Jinyoung taps me on the back

"But give her the space she needs because y'all relationship was a bit toxic ." Youngjae taps me on the shoulder as well

"It's just been a stressful time and I regret kinda taking it out on her ." I say putting my hands on my face

"Kinda ?!." Yugyeom says eyes widening

"You need to for sure give her time ."jackson says


"Hay y/n you and jb taking a break I heard from mark ." I say making sure she's ok

"Really why what happened ."Michelle asked

"I wanted to , our relationship wasnt doing good and I said we just needed a break to start all the way over ." I say

"Oh ok that's good that you thought about trying to fix it that how I know he loves you and you love him ."Bm says drinking to rest of his wine

"Yeah you won't leave him and you know it you love him way to much to leave him ." Seayna tells the truth

"I guess it's just a break so I'll be fine ." Y/n getting up

"Hold on I don't feel good at all ."she says going to the bathroom


I don't know why I'm throwing up like this I was fine just 2 minutes ago it's nothing I'm fine

"What happened you ok ." Michelle ask "yeah I'm fine I just had to make sure nothing was wrong ." I lie

" did you throw up ." Seayna says "noooo ." I lie again "oh girl you might be pregnant ." Seayna chucked "DONT WISH THAT ON ME ." I say laughing

"Nah for real bro take this and see ."Bm hands me a pregnancy test "why da fuck do you have this Michelle says "I be doing things too ,go on now ." He says

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