ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟚 OVER

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"I'm not using this keep it I'm not pregnant leave me alone ." I say giving it back to Bm "but you need to take it ." Seayna says "no . I don't ."I say

"I'm just saying what if girl you could be pregnant and it could be jaes ." Michelle says "when duh he's the only one I fucked recently." I say

"Let's just stop focusing on that right now if she was pregnant she would still be throwing up she's just a bit tipsy and hung over and y'all know her alcohol tolerance is low she's fine ." Rania says

"Mmmh ok ig ." Bm comments putting the test back in his backpack




It's been 7 weeks without seeing jaebeom and I miss him a bit I told him he should meditate more so his stress levels aren't so high but I also told him to get an obsidian ,jasper ,lapis and a palm selenite  to help him out as well




Ok soo I know it's been 7 weeks I think we could meet up again and get off our break if you are ready

Of course I'm ready but are you

Yes I miss you I'm not going to lie

Ok when do you want to meet up again

Uhhh tomorrow maybe

Sure we can do that

It may take my a while to adjust to how we always had se

Oh Nono it's fine I wouldn't expect you to and didn't take your time

Ok thank you

Anything for you princess

Aww you're so adorable

I really miss you

I do too where do you want to meet up tomorrow

My place?

Sure we can do that

Ok cool I'm going to get somethings now for the place while I'm at it ok

At what

Oh uhh I left jyp and I'm heading over to higher music but I have something to do before you come tomorrow

YAAAAY I'm so happy for you

Thank you so much baby

I hope everything goes well

Me too

I can't wait to see you tomorrow

Same I really want to hug you so bad my stress levels have gone down as well

that's so good yaaay

And I really want to apologize for how I used to gaslight you all the time and take my anger and stress out on you I'm sorry it won't happen again

Oh it's ok Jae thank you

It's not ok but you're welcome I guess

DONT beat yourself ip about it I've been through worst .....Oh shit my class I have to call you back my class is starting

Oh ok bye love you

Bye love you too


I really miss him but I can't trust him like I did on after all what he said on the day we took a break kinda hurt but we can't let him get to you like that

"Y/n ." ,"was that jB on the phone ." Seayna come in my room with Rania and Michelle "yeah we are on good terms now I guess ." I say doing my work .".

"Oh ok well did he tell you ." Seayna says "Tell me what." I say turning around

"He has a girlfriend." Michelle putting her hand on my shoulders

"Oh but he just ." I get cut off "yeah be were listening but he wasn't really telling the truth ." Rania says "oh ok thanks for informing me ." I say with my eyes tearing up

"I'm sorry y/n but we got you ." The girl say "what ." I question "IT WAS A PRANK jb just called us and wanted us to prank you to see how much you still love him ." Seayna says "I should smack the fuck out of all 4 of you ."I say getting my work done

"Awww we love you too y/n ." They give me a ground hug and I don't find it interesting to me "yeah yeah get get ." I say

" ok well we have to go see yah ." They say
"Bye guys."

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