ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟙 THE FRIEND

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Not a lot of the time would I think to just call people I just wait for them to call me if there's a break or space happening but I feel right about this

I feel the need to call him .


Me :Hello

{feminine voice answers the phone }

N/A:Hello who is this

I hang up immediately my heart is pumping fast my body went cold my hands are shaking I get a horrible gut feeling

No nono please don't tell me

I call Jackson while beom calls me back


Me: Hello
My voice is shaky jackson knows something is wrong he know something is going on

Jw: hello

Me: Jackson
I start to cry hearing Jackson's voice knowing he was trying to warn me

Jw: what's wrong is everything okay

Me: no, why didn't you just tell me

Jw : tell you what what's wrong

Me: I just called jay and a girl picked up the phone and I'm shaking and I feel hurt I don't know maybe is just a sns that he's with but I don't know I have a bad feeling about this

Jw: are you fucking serious right now

Bm: yes she's very serious I'm sitting with her as she spoke

Crying harder trying or accept reality

Jw: stop crying you hear me , I dont like hearing you cry imma handle it trust that

Jackson hangs up the phone I don't know what he's about to do or find out but I know jackson wouldn't set me up like this me and Jackson are really close friends I've only cried to him about jb once and he hated it

I try my hardest to stop the tears falling hitting the floor with the people around me holding me " listen it's going to be okay I'm hoping he's no doing what we all my be thinking right now but there's no telling with him I haven't spoken to him in a while all I know is we are here for you okay we see the pain everything will fine in the end ."Bm holds me infront of him whipping my tears with his thumbs hugging me once more making me feel at home in his arms rocking me back and forth as the crying stops .

Fatou gets out the room leaving me and Bm alone hearing loud screams of disbelief in the next room over I hear footsteps running to the door of the room

Ten opens the door coming to me and sitting right infront of me with his hands out as Bm releases me from his hold " are you sure you hear a female voice come through?" Grabbing my hands waiting for an answer "yes I'm very sure ." Nodding to give him the green light that it's true . Breathing deeply he grabs my phone "what's the code ." Ten looks at me with anger in his eyes I've never seen him like this before " 3179." Walking to the bathroom I see him put the phone up to his ear closing the bathroom door shut Bm gets up following his footsteps.


I'm tired and exhausted from the drinks and the intercores I had with my best friend I turn over heavy drunk in my bed reminding myself that I gotta put clothes on that's all I could think about getting up heading towards the bathroom my phone rings I ignore it because of how drunk and sloppy I am at the moment trying to clean myself up and put on clothes I hear my phone being answered I'm not too concerned about it because it's probably one of the boys asking for something that I don't feel like answering. Hearing knocking on my bathroom door I open it to see my best friend " someone by the name of Y/n called you I answered it but she hung up in my face ."

Oh fuck my eyes widened at her snatching my phone closing the bathroom door realizing I just what mistake I just make trying to cover it up I call her back .Each and every time about 4 she doesn't answer

Shit shit shit I fucked up

I'm drunk just had sex with my best friend after I just told y/n that we couldn't be together because I need space maybe she won't freak out since we aren't together but this girl has been coming onto me for a while now and trying to get me to be in bed with her she finally got it as I was drunk out of my mind and she was sober than ever . This is the second time I've done some shit like this to y/n I promised her I would do it again ever I broke the promise .I feel tears streaming down my face knowing how much I'm messing things up because intoxicated temptation and curiosity get to me I knew I couldn't trust her this was her plan all along

"Jb we would be so cute together."
"I'm kinda focused on someone yk that ."

"Jb I miss you so much come see me ."
"I can't I'm at work plus I want to try and talk to my girlfriend this evening about our relationship ."

"Jb our kid would be so cute ."
"No but yk who's kid would be cute me and y/ns kid ."

"Jb have you ever thought about fucking someone close to you but don't know how to go about it because they you are with someone."
"No wtf "
"Oh uh have you been in a situation where you want to do it with the person who is with someone but you don't know how to go about it because the person is playing hard to get ."
"Where are you going with this ."
"Nothing never mind."

Ughhh I knew it no wonder she barely drank with me
I open the bathroom with force and anger " this was your plan all along wasnt it , you got me drunk had sex with me just because you can't keep your hands to yourself." I walk towards the girl with my finger out at her making her back up slowly " JB listen I just ." She tries to lie but I catch her right in the middle of it . " no tell me the truth this is what you wanted huh ." I raise my voice making my anger visible " yes yes I've been trying to do this since I became friends with you guys I've been hopping around the group trying to get a taste of all of you first bam then Jackson then you even if you had someone I didn't care I just wanted an experience before I moved to the next boy ." Making my anger became sadness I yell " do you understand what the fuck you just got us into ." She twisted her face up " ME I got you into you did thus to yourself you had sex with me yeah I got you drunk and and slipped something into your drink but it's about you ."

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