pt 1- Cell

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"Prisoner 305, face the wall." The muffled voice barely made me stir from my trance, being stuck in a metal box for months I had taken it upon myself to distract myself through exercise; which isn't easy in such a small space, reciting old shows I had seen or sleep. I had even taught myself to not only lucid dream, where I would dream about being anywhere but where I was, but I had taught myself to do it awake. It may have just been daydreaming but it felt real and it would help the time pass quicker.

The buzz of the door unlocking from the outside followed by the demand again finally brought me out of my dream, as my eyes flickered over to where the guards were entering my room I winced at the sudden flourish of light that reflected off the walls from outside."Don't make me repeat myself May!" The strongest of the three guards raised his voice at me again. I felt my eyes involuntarily roll as I stood to my feet, luckily no one seemed to notice. Before I could even turn fully I felt my body crush against the wall, I opened my mouth to argue but before any complaint could leave my mouth I decided it wasn't worth it, not after last time. Before long I was cuffed and being hurriedly pushed out of the cell. Around me was a busied hall of other prisoners each with their own set of guards shouting and pushing. What the fuck was going on?

As my eyes searched the corridor for some sort of answer they finally landed on a few members of the council, Abby Griffin was the only one I recognized from where I was standing, I was finally pushed into a long line of other prisoners which seemed to lead straight towards where Abby was.

" what is going on?" "What the Fuck!" "Where are you taking us?" Questions and curses were being thrown around all around me but none of them seemed to be answered other than an occasional death stare from the guards which didn't seem to affect those who were shouting. After only a few minutes I was close enough to see what was happening, each delinquent that passed the council members were getting uncuffed only to have their wrists captured by a single metal wrist band, thick and heavy looking, that can't mean anything good. My cuffs were removed and my wrist was the next to have a band clipped on. A sudden stabbing pain shot through my bone. "Fuck!" was the only thing that managed to escape my lips and I grasped my arm in an attempt to ease the pain. It had been weeks since I had used my voice and that was made apparent by the raspiness in my throat. I had almost forgotten the sound of my own voice.

I could only think of one thing all this could mean but it seamed impossible, from what I can remember about the Ark I was almost certain we were being led to one of the old ship docks, and if I was right about that then maybe the wrist bands weren't just a sick trick to see us wince in pain, but to track us. We were being sent to Earth.
With this new theory whizzing around my head, my heart began to beat in time with the speed of my thoughts, 'there is no way they are going to send us to the ground, even the thought of it should be ruled out for at least another hundred years!' From what we had been told by the assigned scientists of the ark and the information we could scavenge from old documents, the earth is still soaked in radiation and if a human was exposed to even a little bit we could die. Not to mention it would be a painful death.

I was so distracted by my thoughts that I didn't even pay attention to the shortened distance between me and the dropship, it was now only a few meters in front of me and the other kids around me were finally beginning to pick up on what was happening. That was when the complaints got even louder and a few of the more rowdy ones got violent, attempting to escape their definite fate that was death. Unfortunately for them the guards were ready with their batons and stopped them before they could make any real progress. I recognized most of the kids around me as they were all around my age and we were in the same classes throughout the time I was in school before I got locked up. Those I hadn't been in classes with I had either seen them around the ship or in earth-class which we had been forced to take when we were all locked up. I didn't think much of that class at the time, I just thought they were giving us something to do so we didn't completely rot away into mindless slobs. Now it was starting to make sense. They were preparing us for the ground. The ground in which none of us ever thought we would see with our own eyes.

I was the next to step foot into the ship, it was darker than the corridor of the ark and much bigger than I had originally expected, I then wondered how many of us delinquents they were planning to send. I followed the boy in front of me up the ladder to the third floor and found an empty seat in the corner and took my seat. Struggling to tighten the seatbelt to a secure position that I felt safe in, this was going to be a bumpy ride and I don't want to be thrown out of my seat any time soon.

It took a surprisingly long time for everyone to get strapped in due to the clear lack of common sense among the group, multiple people were still trying to get free from the guards grip even though it was clear to anyone who was thinking straight that there was no getting out of this one. Even if we weren't getting sent to the ground most of us would have been floated soon enough anyway. I only had around a month until my eighteenth birthday so I was happy enough to take my chances with Earth.

After what felt like forever the final of the guards left the dropship, closed, and sealed the doors behind them. There was no going back now. I could feel the ship begin to vibrate and I guessed that was because we were finally leaving the dock of the ark. Other than the first few moments I could barely tell if we were moving or not. It was only when the whole ship began to shake violently and sparks of electricity shot out of the walls. I closed my eyes after accepting that this was most likely the end for me, at least it would be a quick death, in an explosion perhaps. But that never happened, I never heard a boom, I never felt any fire or wind, instead, it got still again. Not a sound came from anyone as they were all just as confused as the next. A few more minutes passed and then the sudden feeling of security washed over me as I felt the thud of the ship finally hit the ground, we made it. From what I could tell everybody on my level was okay but from the muffled shouting from the lower decks, I could only guess that wasn't good news.

I was still catching my breath from the near-death experience we had just had but everyone else just seemed to brush it off, distracted by the fact we had just made it down to Earth, the last place we ever expected!


Authors note:

if this is really bad and short I'm sorry but this is my first time writing so just let me know how to improve!  <3

Thank you

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