Pt3- jasper jordan

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Clarke, who I had learned the blonde girls name was from hushed whispers around me, then started to question about the wrist bands that Bellamy had been collecting off peoples wrist for the past few hours.
"How many?" She questioned a serious look carved upon her face. "24 and counting." I recognised the voice and turned my head to look at the same boy from earlier,his brown slicked back hair was no longer slicked back and instead he almost looked as if he had been dragged through a bush. John Murphy I believe his name was. His face just as smug as it was earlier.

"You idiots!" Clarke finally broke the silence, "life support on the ark is failing, that's why they sent us down, to see if the ground is survivable! By taking off those wrist bands not only are you killing them but you are killing us aswell!"
Bellamy apparently didn't care about anything Clarke just broke to us and instead started up with some dumb speech that i was sure was only meant to get people to follow him, since the minute we landed he's been ordering people around and it had really been pissing me off. So, when Clarke turned to walk away I pushed passed a few people and ran after her, so did another boy. " what do we do now?" He asked. "We go after Jasper." "Let me help?" I spoke earning a look from Clarke before she nodded and turned away.

Half an hour or so passed and a group of us had began to gather at the centre of camp with all our supplies and we had been chatting for a bit waiting for Clarke to get here. She seemed logical and as if she genuinely cared about people's lives so if I was going to follow anyone it would be her, not that I enjoyed following orders, I just prefer not to argue.

The group had consisted of Clarke, wells, Finn, me and somehow Clarke had managed to convince Bellamy to come, he then ordered that that dickhead Murphy came too.
We split off into two groups and I ,for some reason that I couldn't understand, agreed to go with Bellamy and Murphy. Bellamy hadn't seemed to take much notice of me before but now it was just the three of us he couldn't seem to take his eyes off me, "are you gonna say something or just stare?" I really didn't like him and I'd much rather know what he was thinking than have to work it out myself. He was walking slightly behind me and I felt him grab my wrist which in turn caused me to spin and glare up at him. "I want your wrist band." He ordered. I would have taken it off earlier if he had asked but now I knew about what they were really for and I wasn't about to get my family killed because the ark thought we were all dying. "Fuck off..." my voice came out in an almost growl as I tugged my arm out from his grip and spun on my heel. Murphy was next to receive one of my glares as he seemed to be amused by the interaction.

"I didn't ask, I said I want it" Bellamy said from next to me now. " yeah and I said fuck off." He definitely didn't like my response and let his anger show, he aggressively grabbed me by my shoulders and shoved me against the nearest tree. " give me your wrist!" His deep voice echoed through the trees and he shouted even louder than he meant. All I could do was stare at him blankly.
When he turned his head to look at Murphy for some help I took that as my opportunity to drive my knee up into his crotch causing him to let go of me and bend over to try and ease the pain. His grunts of annoyance mixed with pain made me grin with pride. " touch me again and it'll be you face that I knee..." I said just loud enough for him and Murphy to hear before I took my place on the path again and started walking.

Another ten minutes or so passed of silent walking although I could tell Bellamy wanted to have another go at me, I guess his balls were still recovering though because he didn't say anything. Murphy on the other hand still seemed to be entertained by all this and was waiting to see how it all played out.

A splash of water followed by a giggle sounded just a short distance from us through the trees. I picked up my pace and started jogging towards the sound but Bellamy apparently had different plans and grabbed me by the arm again. "What the hell are you doing?" He whisper-shouted at me. "What does it look like?" " why have you got to be so difficult? That could be grounders!"
"If by difficult you mean smart and logical then I would have to say that I was born like that." I responded with a grin on my face, " also that laugh sounded like Clarke, plus those grounders hit Jasper with pin point accuracy I don't think they are the type to play around  in the water." My eyes shifted between both of the boys waiting for a response but the only one that I got was from Bellamy releasing his grip on me.

We made it to the clearing where the large body of water was, I had never seen anything like this before, it was beautiful. Round the side of the lake was Clarke and Finn who seemed to have just had a swim around, the smile on Clarke's face made me rethink whether she did care for this Jasper kid or not because whilst he was probably dying alone right now she was enjoying a lovely swim with her boyfriend or whoever Finn was. Wells however looked to have found something on a nearby rock and called us all over once he realised the two boys and I had appeared.

As I got closer to where the other three were standing a looked to where they all were and saw what looked like blood. "That must be Jasper's blood!" Clarke exclaimed and immediately started hauling herself up the little mound of dirt and began weaving her way through the trees with the rest of us not far in pursuit. Our run slowed to a jog, then to a walk as we found ourselves in a new clearing, my eyes seemed to be the first to fix on the disturbing sight in the middle of the field, the gasp that left my mouth was what finally brought the others focus to where I was looking.

An immense looking tree that was overgrown and ancient looking was standing tall. But the thing that caught my eye was the thin, cloth less boy that hung from it but his hands. That must be Jasper! He was tied up with what looked like vines and other rope like plants. A large leaf had been stuck to his chest which was heaving up and down as he struggled for breath, his eyes were closed but "he's alive!" I urged to the rest of them.

Each of us cautiously stepped forward, fearing that it was a trap and there were grounders waiting to attack us. But nothing happened, and that gave us the Confidence we needed to walk out completely. My mind was racing a million miles an hour as I racked my brain for a reason they would tie him up and not kill him, why weren't they here to kill us either?
I was too busy in my thoughts that I nearly jumped out of my skin when the twig under Clarke's feet snapped and the ground underneath her disappeared, falling down taking her with it. I wasn't close enough to catch her but thankfully Bellamy was and that he did. With his dominant hand he reacted with impressive speed catching Clarke by her wrist just as she was about to hit the sharpened spikes at the bottom of the pit.

Without thinking I rushed forward and grabbed her other wrist, on the count of three me and Bellamy tugged her back up to safety. The other two each fell to their knees to catch their breath and I just stood there and closed my eyes still processing what just happened. My hands involuntarily found their way up to my hair and I just ran my hand through the brown locks once before letting out a sigh of relief and opening my eyes once more.

"Nice catch stowaway!" I crossed my arms and spoke to Bellamy as he got to his feet again. "Stowaway?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. " yeah. That's why you're here right? You aren't actually a prisoner like the rest of us, that's why you have a guards uniform... so you could hide away in the drop ship to get down here with your sister?" He looked taken aback by my inquiry but eventually nodded his head in response. Clarke thanked him multiple times and we finally returned to focus on our main objective of getting Jasper down, now thinking we only had to check our footing for traps.

That theory was quickly put to dirt though when a loud rustling came from the long grass just behind us, "now would be a good time to get that gun out!" Murphy spoke up from the other side of Bellamy. A gun? Who had a gun? That should not be what I was worried about right now. "I don't have it!" Bellamy's fear-filled voice was not comforting in this situation and neither was the fact that the grass was now visibly moving, whatever it was, it was getting closer.

In the blink of an eye a black figure had launched itself out from the weeds and was flying through the air straight towards me, apparently you fight or flight kicked in because I dove to the side to dodge whatever that thing was. My movement pissed the animal off even more and it turned to face me again. Wide, dark eyes filled with fury and sharpened fangs hung out it's mouth. It looked me directly in the eye before launching itself at me again, this time I couldn't move in time and the impact from the large black animal sent me crashing to the ground with it still on top of me. A shot fired from somewhere around me but the mammal didn't flinch instead it dragged it's paw down my front, it's claws piercing my skin and slicing down my torso. Two more shots were fired and the heavy weight of the animal began crushing the air out of me.

After a few moments of struggling the weight was rolled off of me by a few members of the group and I gasped for breath. My vision blurred a little bit and I didn't care to listen to the words that were being exchanged around the group, most of the questions aimed at me. I could hear my heart beating in my ears but the calm sound of Clarke's voice brought me out of my moment. "Are you ok?" My head slightly moved to look at her and all I could manage was a nod. I was in fact not ok and I had blood spilling out of my stomach but I couldn't feel anything due to the adrenaline so I just let it go.
"Help Jasper." My voice croaked out

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