pt7- A new girl

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It had been a few hours since Clarke, Finn, Charlotte, and Murphy had left camp. Bellamy had also disappeared off at some point so I guessed that he went after Murphy to slow him down.

I was sat down by the campfire when Harper wandered over and sat down. "Hey!" she greeted me with a smile. "Hey, you hungry?" I asked. We had cooked a large boar that the hunting party had killed a few hours prior. "No thanks, I just had some." We talked for a little while but our conversation was cut short when Bellamy and the four other delinquents that were with Murphy walked back into camp. I stood and walked over to him. "What happened? Where's everyone else?" He couldn't even look me in the eyes, "Charlotte's dead." He didn't say anything else, just walked past me and headed for his tent. My stomach dropped, Murphy had really killed her? He hadn't said anything about the rest of them so I just had to hope they were together and okay.

I didn't speak to anyone again, just walked straight into the dropship and climbed the ladder to the third floor. It was empty in there because everyone had preferred to stay in their tents outside so I liked to come up here when I needed some quiet time to think. I liked it here because it reminded me of the ark, of home. Although I was happier than ever to be on Earth, sometimes I just needed to feel a sense of familiarity. I walked over to where I had set up some cushions on the floor next to the wall and lowered myself to sit down. I rested my back against the wall and closed my eyes. I took a long breath in through my nose and after a few seconds, I opened my mouth to release the air. Every time I close my eyes nowadays, I see my mum and my dad. I missed them so much but I felt comfort in knowing my dad was probably in class right now, he was a teacher for the younger kids who were just starting school, and they all adored him. My mother had passed away whilst on duty with the guard, they said they tried to help her when she got hit but I don't believe that for one second. The guard was known for being ruthless so I wouldn't be surprised if they had been the ones to murder her, it wouldn't be the first time they had killed someone innocent.

 My thoughts kept me awake for hours and eventually I gave up on sleep, I climbed back down the ladder and stepped outside. It was pitch black out and the only light came from the campfire or the moon. All of a sudden people were pointing and smiling at the sky, I looked up and saw a ball of fire falling from the sky. A meteor? I stared at it as it got lower and lower to the ground, then it became clearer. It looked as though it was part of a ship. The ark must have sent down some supplies or something. Bellamy came out from his tent pulling a shirt over his head and looking up to the falling piece of metal, everyone was looking to him for some sort of order. "We leave at dawn!" "Everyone for miles saw that, what if the grounders get to it first?" Octavia argued with her brother. She was right, if we wanted what was in that ship we needed to go now. And I knew Bellamy was smart enough to know that so when he refused I knew something was up.

Octavia clearly had the same idea as me because once Bellamy thought no one was looking he snuck out of camp and Octavia followed a few moments after. I didn't trust Bellamy and I didn't really know Octavia so I thought it would be in my best interest to go as well. I stayed hidden in the trees and just close enough to see Octavia in the distance, I couldn't see her brother but she clearly could because she kept making turns to keep up to him. I had been pursuing the two for a while before the sister finally called out to her brother. I slowed down and watched my footing, careful not to snap a twig and expose myself. Once I got closer I could only hear Bellamy's half of the conversation as his voice echoed through the trees. "Go back to camp O it's not safe!" she threw her arm in the air to emphasize whatever it had been that she responded with. "I'm doing this for you O! I did all of this for you," Octavia said something again that I didn't catch. "I killed the chancellor! Someone came to me with a deal to get me on the dropship so I took it!" I couldn't believe what he just said, he killed the chancellor? Everything he has been doing since we landed, taking our wrist bands it had all just to save his own ass. He had lowered his voice at this point so I couldn't hear what they were saying but Octavia wasn't happy about it because she turned and headed straight towards where I was hidden, I shuffled around the tree to hide myself from her and I was careful to check Bellamy wasn't looking either. Once I heard her footsteps get closer I held my breath, my heart was beating out my chest for the fear of getting caught.

After she had passed I gasped for air then appeared around the tree to where Bellamy had just been, but he wasn't there. Shit! I hadn't even noticed when I started running but I knew I couldn't lose him, I had to find out what he was planning to do but he was much stronger than me so I had to be careful with how I went about stopping him. I finally caught up to him as he walked through some overgrowth and into a clearing, my eyes found the small metal pod that had landed in the center. I crouched down behind a bush and used my hands to move a small branch that was blocking my view. The sun had begun to come up now so it was much easier to see what was going on. The Blake boy took no time in opening the pod's door and looking around, he paused for only a second before grabbing something and ripping it out from the dashboard. A radio? What was he going to do with that? He slammed the door shut and rushed out the other side of the small clearing, I had no time to see what was in the pod because I went after him still careful with where I was stepping. Just as I found him again I was too late because of the sudden splash of water and his now empty hand told me he had done what he came here to do. In an instant he was off again, this time retreating his steps back in the direction of camp.

Once I knew he was far enough away, I didn't even think before I jumped in the riven. It wasn't deep, only up to my knees, so I could see the river bed easy enough. My eyes scanned the floor for any sign of the radio, luckily my foot lightly knocked something in the water and I looked down thinking it was a rock but instead I found myself reaching in and pulling out the radio. It was dripping wet and was probably broken but I held hope in my heart that Monty would be able to fix it. I trudged through the water back to the side where I stepped out and placed the radio down on the floor, before reaching for the bottom of my shirt and squeezing it in an attempt to drain most of the water. I picked it back up and headed for the pod, when I got there the door was open again but there was no one around, I quickly checked inside for anyone or anything that might come in handy but I found nothing, at least nothing that we couldn't come back for. And with that, I began my trek back to camp.

I walked for several minutes before I stopped dead in my tracks, just ahead of me on the path was Clarke, Finn, and Bellamy. I walked a little closer and saw that there was another girl there who I had never seen before. She had long brown hair bulled up in a ponytail, on her forehead were smudges of blood, she wore a red bomber jacket and radiated confidence. Just as I was about to make my presence known Bellamy grabbed her and shoved her against a nearby tree, his hand wrapped around her neck, but she was quick to react. She pulled out a knife and pointed it at him, I was now much closer so I could hear what was happening but everyone seemed too engrossed to notice me. "Where is my radio?" Her she said with confidence and a smirk tugged at her lips. She was released from Bellamy's grip and stepped away from him. "You mean this one?" Everyone quickly turned their heads to face me, eyes wide. I couldn't help the smile that reached my face at the look of Bellamy's. The brunette girl rushed over to me with a wide smile, this was the first time I saw her face up close. Brown piercing eyes and perfectly straight teeth. She, however, didn't bother to look at me, she was too focused on the radio she had now taken from my hands.

Clarke had finally managed to gather some words and stepped towards me, "Where was it?" I looked over her shoulder to the scouling Bellamy, "In the river... You should really learn to check your back more asshole!" That seemed to get a reaction out of the new girl because a soft chuckle escaped her lips. Finn made his way over to her side and placed a hand on her forearm to get her attention, I didn't miss the hurt on Clarke's face although she managed to cover it up quickly. What did I miss? "Can you fix it?" he asked, "It'll take at least a day to dry out the parts, and even then they could be fried... But I can try!" "Well, what if you can't?" Clarke inquired. "Then we need to think of a backup, and fast!" I knew we needed to contact the ark to tell them it was safe down here but I still felt like I was missing something. "What's the rush?" The girl finally looked up at me and our eyes locked for a moment while she spoke. "Can we get back to camp? I'll explain on the way." Without waiting for my response she turned on her heel and started following the path on the way back to camp, Finn by her side to keep her in the right direction.

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