pt12- Biological warfare

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"Where the hell are they?" Bellamy's voice boomed through the dropship, both his and Clarke pushed through the crowd until they stood in front of Murphy and I who were both curled up with our backs against the wall. In the light of the dropship, I realised just how bad Murphy's injuries were, his whole face was bloodied and he had fresh cuts all over his arms. From the look on everyone's faces mine were just as bad. "Everyone but Connor and Derick out, Now!" I felt Murphy tense at the sight of Bellamy, everyone except Clarke, Bellamy and the two others filed out. "He claims they were with the grounders, we caught them sneaking back into camp," Conner explained. I was still shaking from the adrenaline that I couldn't bring myself to correct him but luckily Murphy spoke up, "We weren't sneaking, we were running from the grounders." "Did anyone see any grounders?" He asked and everyone shook their head. "Well in that case!" He lifted the rifle he had in his hands and pointed it directly at Murphy. My fight or flight immediately kicked in because I jumped to my feet and stood in front of Murphy, blocking Bellamy's view of him. "Move!" he ordered but I didn't move. "I made it very clear what would happen if I saw him back in this camp!". Finn, who had walked in a moment ago stepped between me and the gun. With the comfort that Finn was on our side, I sat back down as my legs felt weak and my head was still fuzzy. "If they were with the grounders they might know something that could help us!" He argued. "No! We hung him, banished him and now we are going to kill him." Bellamy shouted. "No he's right." Clarke walked closer and knelt down next to Murphy. "They were tortured!" she pulled his hand up for everyone to see, "They tore off his fingernails"  I felt so guilty that I hadn't noticed, I was too distracted by the fact he was alive and it was too dark to see in that cell anyway. "You and the grounders should compare notes..." Finn remarked at Bellamy. "No, the grounders know we are at war! What did you tell them about us?" This was the question I had dreaded them asking. "Everything..." Murphy quietly replied next to me. After a few moments Clarke stood back up and walked over to the boys, they exchanged a few words and then they all left.

Once we were alone I turned to Murphy and pulled his hand so I could see his fingernails. "When did they do this to you?" I asked. "On my second day in there..." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want to scare you." I looked at him but he refused to do the same to me. I let go of his hand and instead leaned my head on his shoulder to rest. "I'm sorry you had to go through that," I whispered to him. "Yeah well, I guess I deserved it." "No one deserves to go through that, especially not you." I felt him rest his head on top of mine and we sat there in comfortable silence.

After only a few minutes later a commotion came from outside, people shouting and freaking out. Suddenly Murphy pushed away from me and crawled away, I was just about to ask him what was going on but he gagged a little followed by a large spew of blood exploding out of his mouth and spilling all over the floor. "Murphy! It's ok you're going to be ok!" I rushed over to his side and rubbed his back with my hand. I looked up when I heard footsteps at the entrance, it was Clarke. "May! I need you to tell me how you escaped." she asked desperately, she had a line of blood dripping from each of her eyes. "They forgot to lock the door so we ran!" I answered. She paused for a moment in thought then sighed. "They let you go..." What? why would they do that? Some more footsteps came from the entrance as Bellamy walked in, he took one look at Clarke and then straight at Murphy who was still throwing up blood. "Did he do this to you?" I've had enough of him constantly blaming Murphy. "Hey, asshole! Not everything is his fault!" Before I could carry on Clarke pulled me away from Bellamy. "It's biological warfare..." She looked back at Bellamy, "You were waiting for the grounders retaliation for the bridge... this is it, and they are the weapon." We were the weapon? What was that supposed to mean? "Whatever this is, it spreads through contact." Just as she said that Dereck started to seize, he fell to the floor shaking uncontrollably until he stopped, he lay flat on his stomach and didn't move. When Clarke checked his pulse she concluded that he was dead.

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