Chapter 24

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"So, just magically learnt how to basically put people to a dream?" Allison laid under Lydia's thick blanket staring at the orange haired girl who didn't seem like a girl anymore.

Lydia nodded. Her eyes were glassy. Allison knew it wasn't a good time but when will it ever be? "We need to go see her you know...The boys have got Finn under control at least"

Lydia nodded again. Then turns to nestle her head to Allison's chest, "I wish it was over already."

"I know...The quicker we figure out how to get the soul back, the better," Allison embraces her best friend.



"Hey buddy...How are yo-" Stiles squeezed his dad like no tomorrow, "We'll get through it,"

Stiles nods and pulls away, "Sorry you got into all this..."

"Oh shut up, it's my job to protect you. I can't imagine losing you too. Even though they're whatever they are, I reckon we kicked some ass today." The cop chugs down the last of his coffee and looks around Derek's quite minimal but messy place.

"So...this is his building?"

"Yeah, bit of everything in here. I'm surprised he can afford all of it" Stiles ponders.

"I better hit the road and make sure everyone is alive out there...and...maybe don't go in there-" he pointed to the closed door "-until they come out...I can only imagine they're worse than our interrogations." The father and son embrace again and Stiles watched him drive away from the lonely lounge that now seemed too big.


Stiles' nose itched...he smelt something good.

Is that bacon?

His eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the sunlight shining right on his face. A tray full of goodness sat on the bed side table. Steam still coming off from the bacon and hash browns. He jolted up and dug in, neglecting anything else around him.

"Excuse me...That was for me?" Stiles turned with a mouth full to a clean shaven, freshly showered Derek.

"They why was it sitting on my side of the bed?" Stiles continued to dig into this amazing food until he couldn't take no more...although it was basically finished anyway.

"Had enough of my breakfast?" Derek finished dressing.

Stiles brought up a hefty burp to answer his question.

Derek rolled his eyes and took away the tray of a cleaned plate, "Come on, we're getting someone's soul back today."

"Is it mine?" Stiles rolls back into the warmth with a groan but reluctantly slides out of bed.


"So, is he.." Stiles motions his finger across his neck. Along with some sound effects.

Derek sighs and nods.

He spat at Derek's feet. Blood and saliva mixed.

Scott was his only support for his head - forcing him to look at Derek - the enraged Alpha now. This was his family he's dealing with.

"You're not telling us everything." Derek growled. They had only bits and pieces of information on Peter. Not enough.

Finn cracked a smile, on his crooked and split face.

"Ask the pretty red head I saw tonight - She figured out how to get Bodmall under - I'm sure there's more in her little head than she's letting on." His head lulled back and the wolves let him. That gave him a lead but Derek wasn't satisfied. Scott gripped his arm and shook his head, "We have what we need."


Derek still simmered at the thought of Finn walking free - so he took care of it after Scott left. Not before trying again though.

"How are we getting a werewolf's soul back, let alone a soul?" Stiles pointed out.

"Lydia will have to answer that one." Derek pocketed his keys, the map and whatever hope he has left.


"Lydia! Come on!" Lydia walked away from the front window then Allison appeared - signalling to go to the back.

"What's with her?" Stiles pointed to behind Allison as he and Derek strolled through the back gate.

"Rough night," Allison gestured to the lounge on the patio - white and pristine as expected, "Give her a bit to come out, okay?"

"If it helps, we're hear to thank her-"

"- But most importantly find out what and how the hell she did to Bodmall," Stiles butted in.

Allison raised her eyebrows, "And thank her, of course." She sighed then started to explain what she could understand, "I think Lydia discovered something recently about her powers - I don't really understand it but somehow she can control how it affects other people..." With that, Allison left the boys to wait.


"What do you want to do with her?" Lydia propped herself on the outdoor lounge across from the boys. Stiles jumped up from leaning on Derek, who had also dozed off.

"Wh-what do you mean? Don't we need to find out how we get a soul back?"

"I know how to do that already. So what do you want to do with her?" A tired Lydia repeated.

She was met with two pairs of questioning faces and rolled her eyes, "I don't want to get into it, please just answer me, I don't want to keep a woman like her around,"

Derek rolled his eyes, "She needs to go. Forever. I can take care of it."

"Um," Lydia smacked her lips, "Not without me you're not. You may be a an Alpha but you seem to forget I'm the one who took her down."

He nodded and sat back, waiting for an explanation.

"What happened with Finn?"


"Good. They seemed to have been linked if you didn't notice. Without him, it'll be easier."

Stiles stared and waited, "Easier to kill her? Or easier to just kick her out?"

"I'd like to avoid taking lives thank you very much."

"But if it came down to it, would you have the power to?" Derek questioned.

Lydia shrugged, "Look, as long as I can keep her down, you can do whatever your heart desires."

"You wouldn't happen to all of a sudden know how to return a soul back into someone?" Stiles picked at his nails, slowing sinking into the couch.

"At this point, my thoughts are is that she collects souls for a living. If we kill her, those souls will be released. Like physically, magically, however you want to imagine it. Then, I would assume the soul will do the rest,"

"Do we know that for sure though?" Derek leaned forward.

"Why else would she be doing this? It's probably some form of gaining eternal youth, ya know?" Stiles chimed in.

Alison claps, "Alright, so let's prepare. We've had our beauty sleep. Get your pack to meet here and whoever or whatever else you can." She struts off back inside leaving the others still getting off their arses.

"Ay ay Argent" Derek smirked.

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