Chapter 18

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"...and then I turn around and he's just standing there, clothes in hand hiding his junk, staring at the girl in total horror - Stiles, c'mere. What did that girl say - You okay son? You look like you've seen a ghost," The Sheriff took another slice of his pizza and dusted his hands.

Stiles' head bobbed and looked at everyone, "Yeah...Yeah Der -uh... Any updates from Allison?"

"2 o'clock Dad!"

"Got it!" Argent pulled his weight and corrected his stance to a different angle and fired the first two bullets ahead of the bulky man running across the road. He stumbled but kept running. Argent kept his aim no matter though and noticed two dark red circles appeared on his side and his stomach.

Allison had her crossbow aimed at the woman standing on the roof of a small café. She couldn't step any further away or closer to the woman because they were surrounded in flames. The people who were still wandering around the streets were long gone now, thankfully.

When the Argents turned into the main street of the centre of town, Bodmall and Finn had already 'devoured' a few people outside a restaurant while everyone else were fleeing away from the incident. Whatever made them decide it was time to kill people didn't matter to the Argents however, they just wanted- needed to eliminate their enemies.

By the time they caught their attention and fired a couple shots, a couple of police officers on duty joined in. Despite the chaos created by the druidess and the warrior, it seemed like a quiet night out on the streets in Beacon Hill.

Allison hear her phone go off from the car but it was just a metre too far. The car doors were open wide enough to slide in but Bodmall could use that distraction as an advantage. She could hear sirens from a distance, about time.

"Ali...We need her off that roof, she has a view of every-"

"I know. She's just standing there though. If I move, she moves too,"

"Make her move." Her dad growled and she huffed in response. Despite being trained to shoot anything and anyone, it didn't make her feel any better when she did it.

She relaxed her shoulders, aimed with one eye closed, took a deep breath then exhaled....and released an arrow straight for the stomach. She reloaded in a second without taking her eyes off her target, who stumbled back but didn't move other than that. Allison took aim again and released another arrow. She heard a grunt then saw her body stumble over the edge of the building. "She's off the building. I'm moving!"

Her dad gave confirmation then moved in sync with her but keeping his target in his peripheral vision.

"Anything?" Scott repeated. Lydia shook her head as she typed away furiously.

Stiles instantly thought of calling Derek but he couldn't have reached there by now.

"Dad, is anyone there from work?"

"I think there might be a couple on duty in the area. They should be helping the Argents. Otherwise, I would've figured they've sent out a team,"

"They better be armoured up then..." Stiles pondered.

"Well, I'm gonna go and help. Anyone else coming?" Erica declared to the pack. Boyd began to decline but stopped himself then agreed, "Derek can't be out there alone." He added.

Scott and Isaac agreed too and before they knew it, the house was left to Stiles, Lydia and the town Sheriff. "Well, I know Stiles wants to go but I think you too can help from here. Start running that laptop son. Lydia, keep trying to contact anyone who's there and tell everyone you know to stay inside. Now, I'm going to make sure they're armoured up. Keep your phones on, radios on....And just keep talking to me." 

The Sheriff grabbed his keys and equipment from a table nearby and took a long moment to look at his son and his first ever crush together then nodded goodbye. 

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