Chapter 6

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A/N: Hope this is suffice until Tuesday, I've been working all week so I tried to write as much as I could. Enjoy! Thank you so much for your time

Diyosa xx

Well into the afternoon, Stiles and Allison returned to their homes and rested for as long as they could before their parents' got control of how they were being taken care of. Stiles, of course, told his Dad that he had no regrets. Allison only explained to her Dad that she might as well experience it before getting serious in the family business.

Scott hung around until Stiles had fallen asleep again on the couch after competing with each other on the console. "You sure you don't want to stay?"

"It's okay, I gotta check in with Derek anyway. Goodnight." The Sheriff nodded and they waved goodbye before Scott raced off on his motorbike.

"Scott, do you know what time it is?" Scott was faced an angry and tired Alpha. He gulped and nodded.

"Care to explain?" Scott nodded again.

"It's about Stiles," Derek's heart quickened.

"He's fine. I just, when I woke up from the party, he was gone. I woke up Isaac and we tracked him down to here..." He squeezed his eyes shut ready for a hit or something but he poked an eye open and Derek had his door wide open and he waited for Scott to come in.

When the door shut it made Scott flinch and he tensed up, he knew Derek would never talk about his feelings but if there was something going on that involved his best friend, he wanted to know.

"What did you see?"

"Uh, Stiles running..." Scott frowned at the thought, why would Stiles be here anyway? "We left when...We didn't see anything I swear!"

Derek only nodded and stepped aside to let Scott escape but he hesitated before asking carefully, "Is there anything between you and Sti - Okay, okay I'm leaving." the door closed with a bang and Scott didn't waste any time getting on his bike to finally start on his holiday.

Derek sighed and made sure Scott had left out of earshot and slid down against the door. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked towards his desk where the map was pinned above it and notepads of research were sprawled everywhere. He needed to focus on the target but his mind always wondered somewhere it shouldn't be which, for some reason ended up being about Stiles.

He stood up and returned to his room, not tonight, he thought. He really shouldn't get distracted from something so important. His own Uncle died for goodness sake and yet, he felt like Stiles could help or like he could make everything bad go away.

After multiple tosses and turns throughout the night, Derek decided to continue his search, at the Church.

When he arrived, it smelt damp and old. Very old. It was big enough to fit two classes inside but as Derek carefully stepped through, the floorboard creaked and saw that the benches and old bibles had been thrown against the wall. Some were in pieces and no one had bothered to clean it. There was some rubble and dirt, webs connected to each object to another. Graffiti covered the large stained glass windows and when Derek reached further into the Church, he noticed near the alter, was a blanket and backpack. He sniffed a little and instantly he flicked his fingers to reveal his claws.

Derek's eyes flashed red to improve his sight and saw an object move slowly up and down behind a bench closest to the alter. He stepped over some broken pieces and rubble as he made sure there was enough distance between whatever it was here and him. The object raised and revealed itself to be a human - at least in the form of a human, you never know these days, Derek thought.

The long hair fell and bounced on the back and their head turned, Derek gaped briefly at the smile pointed to him but shook his head, "Who are you?"

"You won't buy me dinner first?" The young woman completely turned and strolled towards Derek, "Put your claws away, I'm not here to fight anyone."

Derek narrowed his eyes, "Then why are you here? I know you're not human, you're...something,"

The woman smirked and rolled her eyes, "Oh no. What gave it away? The scent? Or this?" she clicked her fingers in the air and her appearance shattered downwards to reveal a completely different person. She was tall, very tall. Her blonde hair almost glowed in the dark if it wasn't for Derek's near perfect eyesight. Derek stepped back a little in defense but the woman scoffed, "You don't have to fight everyone Derek," She fished out something from her pocket and clumped her wavy hair in one hand, "I'm here to help."

"How do you know my name? And help with what?" Derek growled.

"Sorry, I just do. You and your pack need help finding my brother." The woman turned and marched towards the alter. Her high heels clicked on the broken floorboards then she crouched next to the backpack and pulled a circular object out.

"You'll need me anyway, my brother headed. Peter definitely crossed a line with him,"

"Peter's dead," the woman stood and stared at Derek, "I know. My brother hasn't killed in many years so that's why I need to seek him out,"

"Who are you?"

The woman gave a short laugh and strolled forward to Derek who had slowly backed up towards the exit, "Someone you need. I'll find you when I'm ready. Your method of looking won't work." She turned her back to lean on the alter, playing with the small object in her hands. Derek should've taken the chance to interrogate her further but he couldn't get his body to move towards her.

"Oh and Derek, you need to open up more." She turned to wink and Derek stiffened. Who is she to offer anything when apparently her brother is a murderer, she could just as easily kill him but not without a fight. On the other hand, this strange woman could be the only chance to get some justice for his Uncle, no matter how annoying or creepy Peter was.

"Not a chance." Derek whispered as he carefully made his way through the dark church and to where he felt at home.

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