Chapter 13

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A/N: Of course I'm going to be creepy like this. Hope everyone had a great week! I'll try really hard to get a couple out for this weekend because I'll be heading down to Sydney for almost a week xx

Stiles cautiously made his way north east of the church while Scott headed south east, Erica south west and Lydia north west. They agreed not to go more than 200 metres from the church and no further than 400 metres from each other.

"All clear here," Lydia whispered and the others called in clear as well. As they made their way quietly back to the vehicles, they noticed Argent's team wasn't to be seen. The closer the group got, Scott and Boyd exchanged a few words under their breath and they set off to the back of the church, leaving Lydia and Stiles together at the Jeep.

"Allison, do you have eyes on anyone?" Lydia stressed as Stiles dug through his trunk to find something. Lydia heard some swear words then jumped when a loud thud came from the trunk, "Stiles?"

Lydia kept her phone under a tight grip and the walkie talkie in the other hand close to her ear, ready to call in or listen to anything. There was still no response from Allison either which didn't help her situation.

"Stiles?" She called out again in a low voice. If he was playing a trick on her, he's definitely going to get it.

She peaked through the windows of the jeep and only saw darkness and thankfully, nothing moved. As she neared the back of the jeep, the trunk was shut and Stiles' bat was on the ground. The silence around her definitely didn't help with the suspense.

She knocked on the trunk lightly and after a few moments a light knock came from inside. She sighed and thought how she was going to do this. There's a big chance Stiles was pushed in here or he just clumsily fell in, but there was also a chance of Stiles putting something in there - that knew how to knock.

Lydia pocketed her phone, clipped her walkie talkie to her jeans then picked up the bat and held it over her shoulder steadily as she quietly unlocked the trunk. "I'm not ready to die..." she whispered to herself.

Lydia whipped up the lid and held the bat with two hands ready to swing but when she saw the familiar light brown eyes, her arms stopped mid-air and hovered just passed her head, "Stiles! How - I'm going to kill you!"

"I'm sorry! Don't kill me!" Stiles scrambled out of the trunk and dusted himself off, "I thought you pushed me in. Not too sure why but I felt someone push me,"

Lydia still had his bat over her head, "Stiles, I swear to God I will hit you if you're lying to me. Why would I push you in? Actually, no. Don't answer that. We need to find out where everyone is," Stiles only nodded and quickly got something from the trunk the locked it shut.

"Has Allison replied?" Lydia shook her head as she handed the bat back to Stiles. She unclipped her walkie talkie and called in again. No response.

"The pack would hear us from where ever they are, so why aren't they coming?" Stiles looked towards the Church. This Church had more answers than any of them combined and as much as he didn't want to, there was a chance their friends ended up in the Church. The disgusting and old and abandoned church.

As if they read each other's mind, Lydia and Stiles began making their way to the church along the tree lines, out of sight, although it's pretty dark by now. As they neared, they noticed a very dim light flickering around the back of the Church.

"Try Allison again, she might've been helping the others. I don't want to go in there for no reason," Stiles concentrated through the trunks of numerous trees before him that lead to the side of the church as Lydia called in but there was only radio silence. She had tried texting everyone but there was no signal. Just their luck.

Stiles quickened his pace and Lydia kept up with ease while still gripping onto her electronics tightly.

When they got to the left side of the entrance they found the doors were wide open and the floor was cleared of rubble. Lydia held onto Stiles' arm and he pushed her behind him, "We'll go round the back, I saw some light there." Lydia stayed quiet and followed.

Even when the two got closer, the light still seemed so dim like it was slowly dying. There was a tall gate that covered the back entrance but Stiles urged to move forward despite the gentle pulls from behind. The gate was slightly open, it looked like a break in, but then again, this church has been up for possibly decades - anyone could've done this.

With a small push, the gate swung open with a rusted, squeaking sound which made Stiles wince but stepped inside to find the back door was open as well.

'It might as well have the word "trap" written all over the place', Stiles muttered to himself. The light flickered a little from inside the church.

"Surprise, surprise. There's a basement," Stiles whispered. Lydia punched his arm and he faltered back, "Alright if you wanna go down there first, be my guest!" He waved his arm in a manner of letting her go first but she only shoved him through the door and stumbled down a couple steps before straightening up, "Seriously?"

He looked back up and Lydia only stood there. Staring down at him. Her face was covered with shadows but he could tell she wasn't in the best state to go down with him.

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