Chapter 20

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~ "... We found them! Anything we can use against them!?" ~

Derek heard the Sheriff basically yell into the microphone to his son from two blocks away then started running. He assumed his pack were on their way too. 

As soon as he got there, the remaining officer was Stiles' dad while the others were too injured to get up or, too dead. He growled and released a howl. His pack echoed his and he felt an immense power surge through his body. 

Finn and Bodmall switched their focus on Derek which gave the Sheriff an opportunity to find an advantage point. The Argents set up on both sides of the street with access to the rooftops. Allison with her crossbow and her father with his sniper. Allison took the first shot into Bodmall - right into her chest. She staggered but remained standing. She reloaded in seconds and released another arrow into her leg. 

Still. She remained standing. 

All while, her father on the other side took numerous shots at Finn who only grunted in return and stood behind Bodmall. It was like they were locked onto Derek and nothing could interfere. Derek stood ready with his claws out. 

Alpha against two ancient warriors. 

His pack skidded to a stop and growled as Bodmall and Finn neared closer. "So now what? She has arrows in her chest and is still going and Mr. I'm-too-cool-for-you has too much pride to admit he's hurt," Erica whispered.

"Derek?" Scott crept behind Derek but he didn't turn around to acknowledge him.

"I want their heads." Derek growled before he pranced towards Bodmall into a frenzy.

"Can you run any slower?" Lydia sprinted down the street with Stiles on her tail.

"I'm not a freakin werewolf okay?" Stiles panted, surprised Lydia is outrunning him.

The two raced towards town, where a battle has erupted. The streets were empty, spare the few civilians who hasn't seen the damage and hurt yet.

Lydia and Stiles had always been a team, whether they liked to admit it or not. Although it's not great timing, it is always a good time to come up with an answer.

"When we...get there...are you gonna tell them...the plan?..." Stiles was a lot more out of shape than he thought, considering the exercise he's forced to do with the pack and at school.

"What's the point? It would just waste time," Lydia stopped short and turned into an alley.

"Okay well..Shit...I'd like to know!"

"They can use me...They can somehow use whatever I am to their advantage..." Lydia somehow ran faster and faster until she halted to an intersection. A figure had sprinted past, not noticing her or Stiles to their left.

"Okay, do your thing, I'm gonna find the others," Stiles started off to the right but Lydia yanked him back.

"No you aren't going anywhere!  You think I could do this on my own?"

"Well you didn't really specify who's in this plan except yourself," he retorted, "Aren't you just gonna scream at them? That seems to be your specialty anyway..." He looked up and down the street - Nobody in sight, although he could hear some damage being caused nearby. Most likely Derek.

"Yes, I'm going to scream. I just need a lookout because I need to catch them by surprise. I'm not sure if they could somehow block me or something," Lydia pleaded.

"...Well that's easier said than done..."

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