Chapter 7

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Hello! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday/Tuesday. If not, I hope I can make you smile from uploading this chapter which is my favourite so far.
Shout out to 'Flynarryxmuke' who literally voted on all my chapters so far but of course I really appreciate everyone taking the time to read this fanfic. Much love <3

Any Sherlock fans? I just caught up last night because oh. My. Lord. 

Diyosa xx

There was a scratch at the window and Stiles just groaned in his pillow. He knew who it was but seriously, now wasn't the time. Stiles fumbled his hand around the floor feeling for his phone and the screen blinded him briefly, seriously? Stiles thought.

With more groans and a slow roll off the bed, Stiles eventually made it to his window and glared at the red eyes on the opposite side. Derek motioned to unlock the window with only a gesture of his eyes and Stiles sighed heavily before he opened it slowly but was pushed back by a nudge on his shoulder, "Can you come before I sleep?" 

A grunt followed as the werewolf paced around the room, inspecting almost everything inside the room except for Stiles.

"Whatever, I'm going back to sleep." He yawned and shuffled to his bed and yawned as he fell into his pillow, soft as ever.

"I shouldn't be here," Derek whispered, more to himself but Stiles heard of course. He poked an eye open and stared at the werewolf still pacing around the room, "Then why did you come," Stiles mumbled. He didn't want to get up but he knew Derek was in a bad situation. Pacing around was his thing.

Derek sat on the on the edge of the bed near Stiles' feet but jumped up, paced some more then sat on the desk chair. Sat there for a few moments then started pacing again.

"Derek, do you understand how much my head hurts?" Stiles rolled over and stared the ceiling then Derek stopped and stared, "Yes..."

"Then you understand how much I want to sleep?" Derek stepped back and flicked the desk lamp on, to which Stiles blocked his eyes from the light, "Dude! Come on!" Derek continued to stand next to the lamp with his arms folded, "Can you just focus for once?"

Stiles shot up, "Are you serious? Have you not seen my room? My life? It - it - it's all about you werewolves. Open your eyes!" It might have been the fact that Stiles was very tired or...No he was just tired. Regardless, Stiles was going to kill Derek.

Derek was taken aback but still thought about it. It was true, Stiles has always been there for his pack while also staying on top of his classes. More importantly, he was always there for the Alpha and yet they were always at each other's throats.

Their eyes didn't break contact as Stiles raged inside.

"Why do you always keep coming here anyway? I know you 'feel lonely' or 'need a break', but I need a proper reason," his phone suddenly looked interesting and kept fumbling with his hands in the silence that followed.

Derek stood for a moment motionless, he kept finding silly reasons to sneak into Stiles' house but he's never come here just - "You're a distraction," He blurted out. Stiles' head poked up and stared.

"Oh...Oh. So I'm just someone you run to when you're feeling down or when something -"

"Shut up, that's not what I meant," Derek ran his fingers through his messy hair and gazed upon the floor for any answers. He was terrible at this. Stiles shook his head and gave a short laugh then stood up to stand up to Derek, "Then what the hell do you mean?"

"It's...I don't know. Nice? When I'm with you I guess. It's like...I can't do this - "Derek pushed Stiles aside and hopped on the window sill but was caught before he could jump. When he looked up Stiles attacked him with a hug which almost sent both of them falling out the window. Luckily Derek had a quick hand and pushed both of them inside, "Stop running away from your problems," he mumbled in his chest.

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