Chapter 10

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A/N: I just wanna give a quick thank you to everyone reading this story and giving this a vote. I really appreciate it. If you want, you could give it a share if you know anyone who'd like this. And hey, almost 100 reads. It's actually more than I could hope for, so thanks :)


Derek laid there staring up at the ceiling for a few hours now. The sun had just started peeking through the curtains and cars had started driving past the building to make it to work. He looked down at Stiles who was sleeping on his stomach and his fingers intertwined with Derek's. He didn't have the courage to wake him yet, and besides, it's school holidays - it's the time to sleep in.

Derek had tried going back to sleep but he just couldn't for a couple reasons; one being Stiles moved around a lot and two, the Druidess was on his mind. Not for good reason either. Stiles stirred in his sleep which brought Derek out of his thoughts, finally.
When the teenager looked over to Derek who gave a small nod, then down to their linked hands, he snatched his own back blushing, "Um, did you - did you just wake up?"

"A few minutes ago," Derek lied. He would never admit that the sight of Stiles sleeping made him feel things that he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Well, today is my day off so when you have a meeting, I won't be contributing," He pulled himself up and stretched over to the kitchen with a couple yawns in between.

"I'm gonna head out for a bit." Derek slipped on some clothes and gussied up in front of the mirror before taking his keys but stopped midway through the door, "Do not eat everything in here." He pointed to a Stiles who had already started eating cereal out of the box and stared back at the werewolf with his mouth full. He could only give a thumbs up before Derek sighed and headed out.

Stiles leaned over the counter to grab his phone and hit Scott's name, "Dude, are you in?"

"Yeah, hold on, - Hey Sherriff. No - I'm just getting something from his room...Yeah I'll tell him, see you! Dude, you can't just leave your dad at home at night!" Stiles only heard the muffled conversation between his dad and his best friend but figured it was about him as always.

"I left a note I swear...Which now that I remember it just said-"

"'I'll be home in a few?' Stiles...Whatever okay, what am I looking for?" Scott scrunched up his face in frustration but shook it off and looked around the somewhat clean bedroom tiredly.

"On my laptop there should be some old files from my report on those Druids and stuff,"

"Dude, not this again. What's so important? Your school assignment shouldn't have anything about our situation," Stiles' laptop lit up and it strained Scott's eyes but he adjusted momentarily and clicked through folders upon folders as he listened to Stiles chew loudly through the speaker, "Okay, um...Geez, which one am I going through?"

Stiles took a moment to think as he rubbed his eyes, "I think it's under Finn Mac Cumhail's family or something like that," Stiles strolled around the loft as he ate from the cereal box with his ear glued to his phone on his shoulder.

As he waited, he took the time to look around Derek's place and noticed how minimalistic it was. He really doesn't own a lot of things, Stiles pondered to himself, or he could have a secret room where he hides all his secrets, that's probably it.

"How did you get this stuff? It doesn't look like you can get these from libraries,"

"I didn't get an A for nothing, Scott. Anyway, there should be some stuff on Bodmall,"

"Can't you just come here and find it? I was going to help Boyd with something today,"

"Fine, but stay on the phone because we need to talk about Derek,"

Scott rolled his eyes as he scrolled slowly trying to find something on the Druidess, "God, what is it now?" Stiles took the packet of chips with him and he made his way downstairs, "Just, promise you won't say anything okay?"

"Um...Okay?" Scott sat up straight and prepared himself for what could destroy whatever relationship he had with Derek.

"During this semester, Derek has been sleeping over at mine for 'unknown' reasons -"

"Dude, you almost gave me a freakin' heart attack! Geez, is that all?"

"Well you interrupted me didn't you?" Stiles cleared his throat and looked around as he walked down the street, that wolf could be anywhere, "I kinda like him,"

"Oh. Okay. Yeah, well...That's something...weird. Everyone hates him so I'm kinda surprised you of all people like him. What is it, his BO?" Stiles heard Scott laugh a little at his joke but cleared his throat and continued on with his task.

"Scott, come on. I mean, he's not that bad. At least not around me, I dunno. I came 'round last night to talk about it but I just, I was so tired. I want to tell him but this stuff with Finn and Bodmall is kinda making it worse," Stiles knew taking the path through the woods would be a lot quicker but he didn't want to run into anything so he stayed in the public's eyes, walking passed some cafés and small convenient stores.

When he turned to the corner to his street, he saw Derek's car parked outside a café. His mouth dropped open. Seriously? He thought, "Scott, it's coming back to me. Bodmall is such a bitch,"

"Stiles, talk to me. What's happening?" Scott skimmed through the pages a little faster and finally came up a page on the Druidess, "Oh, found it! Stiles...?"

Stiles had crossed the road and sat on a bench that was conveniently placed across from  Derek's car, where he also had a clear view of Bodmall who was in his passenger's seat, "I want to scream right now. She's having coffee with Derek,"

"What? Where are you?"

"Just a block away. Geez, I bet they're flirting with each other right now - ugh she looks so annoying - Scott! You should come here so we can listen to their conversation!" Stiles turned around and tried to act as casual as he could when Bodmall looked around.

"Stiles, for God's sake he's my Alpha. Respecting him is one thing but invading his privacy? That's just breaking moral conduct, and besides I think you should come here and re-read your paper. There are so many grammar mistakes." Scott laughed while Stiles returned a sarcastic one then grumpily made his way back home although his darker side was burning with curiosity in the werewolf's and Druidess' conversation.

Behind him, he heard the loud engine roar to life and the car screeched on the road. "Show off." Stiles muttered to himself.

"Alright, what is it?" Stiles trudged inside his room and leaned over his laptop, waiting for Scott to show him whatever.

"Okay, so I know there isn't a lot of history on Bodmall herself but history on female druids in general is quite broad," Scott clicked and typed in a few words and it loaded a website about the history on Druidess. Stiles skimmed the page than gave a questioning look to Scott, "What does this have to do with my paper?"

Scott clicked onto the word document and highlighted a passage, "Okay...So? The soul can still be taken. Peter may be brain dead but his soul could still recovered and we could do a little ritual to put him back and done. Not so happily ever after because, you know, it's Peter,"

Scott shrugged then went back to the internet page, "It says something about powers and their lives being so extraordinary. It might not make sense but your paper could actually help us," Stiles rubbed his eyes and laid back on his bed.

"Yeah Derek said the same. I had to stay up just to help him decipher my own work. Is it really that hard to read?" Scott stared at him and Stiles nodded but pouted all the same.

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