Chapter 16

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"You're being awfully quiet there Stiles. Something on your mind?"

"Shut up Erica,"

"Oh! It speaks! In case you haven't noticed I'm a little bit restricted here so I thought, 'Hm, what better way to kill Stiles from here - Oh I know! Just keep talking, like he does. Talk his ears off. Until it drives him mad'. I think it's a lovely idea, don't you think?" Erica's voice echoed around the room and the tension just built up from there.

"Stiles?" The boy looked up to the familiar voice but couldn't do so much as turn his head towards the direction.

"Stiles, please tell me you left some kind of track for someone to find us..." Stiles' shoulders sagged and he sighed but something sprung in his head. He's been sitting here for how long now and he didn't even think to use his head.

"I'm assuming the witch took your phones too?" Everyone nodded in unison.

"Okay um, the walkie talkies. I have mine in my back pocket, Allison?"

"Um yeah but they're no use. Even I know that. Everyone we can talk to is here,"

"Not everyone," Stiles shuffled a little and attempted to stand against the pole he was chained to but had no success, "Allison, I need your help. You're closer and I don't want your dad touching my butt - no offence sir -," to which Argent mumbled a 'none taken' in between, "You have to reach for the antenna or whatever you can from my pocket, okay?" Allison muttered something under her breath but nonetheless reached around the corner of the pole and felt around for something to grab onto.

After a few strenuous moments, Allison called out.

"Oh I could kiss you right now!" Stiles breathed.

"I'd rather you not. Tell me what to do with this though," Allison fiddled around until she knew what the dials and buttons were for and got it the right way up. Stiles carefully explained which dial to turn and how much to turn to get the right signal despite the small doubt in his mind that the radio might not be strong enough to reach out to the world above.

"Are we meant to be list -" Erica asked.

"Shoosh!" Stiles edged as close as he could to the radio to listen to the even the slightest crackle or any sound of hope.

Moments go by...Minutes...Possibly close to an hour now..."Hello? Hello! Is anyone there? Please answer!"

"Stiles?" A gruff voice was heard through the speaker of the radio and a collective of sighs released around the room, "Please tell me you're not in some kind of messed up situation...again."

"Hey Dad...I'm in a kind of messed up situation...Again..."

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