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Stiles' throat bobbed and stared, "You lot wouldn't have figured out anything if I wasn't here," Derek inched closer, "We're hopeless without you," he exhaled onto Stiles' ear, "I'd be lost and alone...without you."

The cold breeze pressed against Derek's back as he cowered over Stiles to embrace every inch of the human boy. Inhaling his very scent, making sure to savour it. He heard material rip - sorry.

Stiles reached back to the hem of his shirt and smirked, "You can just ask.." He slipped out of his shirt and thumbed Derek's shirt.

Derek pushed Stiles back on his bed and buried into his neck. His hands feeling every inch of his bare skin - up and down and lower and lower to the top of his shorts. He lifted himself off slightly to look at Stiles' - his face begged for more. His eyes were lit up with excitement. Something he hasn't seen in a while.

Their lips smashed together and sent shivers down Derek's spine. So soft

He felt a pair of hands tugging at this shorts but he wouldn't give in. He pressed more so his clothes wouldn't disappear. Stiles grunted in annoyance.

Derek stopped and slowly made pecks from Stiles' chin down to this belly button then stopped again.

He backed onto his knees and took a breath.

"Are you okay?"

Derek chuckled and laid next to Stiles, "Hell would break loose,"

He couldn't risk that in this tiny room.


"That's fine - I've dealt with Hell before," Stiles propped up on an elbow, staring.

Derek smiled, genuinely, and looked into Stiles' brown eyes, "Stiles Stilinski, I promise you Hell."

"When though" he moaned.

Derek lifted his wrist to look at an invisible watch, "At an ungodly hour of 1:30 in the morning - is that okay?" He teased.

"When you're feeling alone?" Stiles whispered back.

Derek paused, "No...I won't be alone even if I tried with you around."

"I honestly can't decide if I should be insulted or comforted?" Stiles sighed and rested his hand on Derek's waist, "Stay?"

Derek nodded,  "Of course." 

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