Chapter 14

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A/N: So hey. Been a while. Hope everyone is surviving school just as well as I'm surviving work. I'm honestly so amazed with the amount of views/reads this is getting and I can't thank you enough. Hopefully you still have this on your reading list and haven't given up.


Suddenly Lydia's body jerked forward and Stiles grabbed her just as she fell on top of him with a loud bang behind her.

"This is exactly why I didn't want to go down here," Lydia exclaimed.

"You're welcome." Stiles dusted himself off as Lydia fumbled around for her flashlight. She shone the light towards the descent of the stairs and shivered slightly, cleared her throat and slowly followed the only light given from her flashlight on the stairs.

"Great, now she's lighting candles. As if we couldn't see in the first place. We're werewolves ya know?"

"Erica, shut up." Derek growled. It was true that they could see clear as day in this room...where ever they were but obviously there was more to this than lighting a few candles.

He looked to Boyd who was still hung against the wall, his arms raised and his head hung low, unconscious. Isaac was just a couple meters from him, he looked awake but he hasn't said anything since he was practically dragged in.

As he looked around the room for what possibly could be the thousandth time, he scanned the now familiar objects in the room. He knew they were underneath the Church but how long would it take for Stiles and Lydia to figure that out?

Unless no one has spoken up, they couldn't hear anything beyond the ceiling and the walls they hung on, only the slow drips of a rusted pipe that looked like it was about to fall from the middle of the ceiling. Allison and her father were chained to either side of a squared pole; too thick to see what laid behind it. However, the two shook their heads when Scott silently asked if there was anything they could use to break free.

As Bodmall lit the last candle, a smirk crept on her face and whispered a sound no one could understand, "Don't worry, we've done this before - but with a larger pack of course, and stronger," She lifted a wine glass from the small table beside her and raised it to the pack before taking a length sip.

"Should we bother asking exactly what you've done before or are you going to -"

"We've been on this world for decades, centuries even, and we still keep finding ourselves in front of a pack of wolves. We agreed to stay out of each other's way,"

"I'm sorry but does murdering someone mean nothing? You literally took Peter's life away. I don't know much about nature's way but doesn't that unbalance the whole thing about life?" Derek shot a glare at Erica who only kept her eyes on their captive.

"Oh sweetie. You're so young. Inexperienced. Wild," Bodmall took slow strides to Erica and when she got just a few inches from her face, she curled a finger and caressed Erica's jawline with her nail, "You have so much to learn. In the real world, people like us are cast aside, perhaps even hunted if anyone found out the real us. You have no idea,"

"Umm, we are literally teenage werewolves still going to high school and we somehow got the duty to protect our home from supernatural assholes like yourselves," Erica retorted. Scott boiled in rage inside but stayed quiet, he didn't want to deal with an angry Alpha and get a lecture about it later or in the future.

Bodmall raised an eyebrow and scoffed then circled around the room just admiring her new prisoners when quiet steps came from the stairs. When Derek could just barely make out a fumbling flashlight, he hoped to whatever God it wasn't who he thought it would be.

Stiles' heart probably hasn't beaten so fast before and that's probably an issue he'll have to tend to in a minute. Just after trying to figure out what the hell kind of Fifty Shades Bodmall has been reading because this is...this..."Seriously?" just barely a whisper escaped Stiles' mouth when Bodmall just stared at the two scared teenagers stepped into the basement.

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