Chapter 12

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A/N: I apologize. I hope to get back into my said schedule in my profile by the time I get back from Sydney. This weekend though, I'm gonna try and pull as much as I can. 

P.S. THANK YOU for over 100 reads! I love the love - Give it a vote or comment if you please. Thanks. xx

"He won't pick up!" All eyes were on Lydia who was worried out of her wits. The whole pack ended up going to Stiles' house after a number of outgoings were cancelled and with nothing to do so early through their holidays.

Of course the Sheriff didn't mind a full house but they only had two rules; Don't wolf out and don't break anything.

"Maybe because we're all trying to call him at the same time?" Allison spoke up dryly. She received a few looks but they knew she was right. Everyone lowered their phones and looked around the room, wondering who was going to be the one to call Derek again. By now he's must've gotten a few missed calls from the pack.

A few moments went by silently and slowly but surely, six pairs of eyes sat on Stiles.

"Me? What? He will literally hurt me if I ever see him again! If I call him, I'm going to skip town before I let that happen!" Scott raised his eyebrow then nodded to his phone. Stiles sighed and pressed on the most recent contact on the list.

It rung. Stiles looked up the eyes staring at him. It rung two more times. Then another.

Stiles lowered his phone but heard a click and faint, angry hello. Instantly he raised it to his ear again, "Derek! I - We- What? No - I'm sorry but - No. Derek shut up!" Silence wasn't the word to describe the room at that moment. Someone's mouth dropped open as Stiles rubbed his eyes. When he heard silence on the line he continued with specially chosen words because of his current company.

"You can kill me later. The pack is here and need help with - No, listen. To. Me. The pack needs help with the surprise party for Scott's mom," Stiles scouted the pack's faces for anything else to add but only silence just about covered it. He cleared his throat a couple times between the silence and prayed to whatever God was out there that Derek understood.

"Stiles, I got it covered. Tell everyone to prepare for it at around six. Don't forget the rope to hang the balloons - oh and invite Argent and his special knife that he only uses for special occasions." he stammered a little before he could think of something to retort but the line clicked off. He looked up with worry but remembered the pack of wolves standing around him. He got the message.

"Where was my invite?" Bodmall half turned as she lead the way to the back of the Church and Derek followed cautiously. After the phone call, he had a little more hope of beating these mythological guys to the ground.

He smirked back, "Sent it to your old address, must've missed it," She trailed her fingers along the flaky, wooden surface of the church and she laughed. She turned the corner and Derek took the chance to send his location to Stiles' phone before catching up to the Druidess but stopped dead in his tracks when an arrowhead was just inches from his nose.

"Okay, it's time. Ready?" Argent zipper up his jacket and glanced at each wolf and human. Everyone nodded before heading out to Argent's 4WD and Stiles' jeep.

Despite Argent's training to hunt the supernatural, with a little convincing from his daughter, Stiles and Lydia - the only humans in the pack - it didn't take as long as they thought to get him on board.

"From the sound of it, Hale knew something was bound to happen," Scott only nodded as he swallowed some clear liquid along with the other wolves Argent gave them. Dodgy as it may sound but they started to feel some boost of some sort in a few seconds.

Argent clapped Scott's back then slid into the driver's seat with Allison in the passenger side, and Isaac and Boyd in the back; leaving Erica, Lydia and Scott with Stiles.

They were assorted in three teams. Argent's team would infiltrate the Church and Stiles' ground will scout the area - including the forest as long as the wolves can keep an ear out. Allison would be the bird's eye of the operation - watching as many backs as she can, signalling if there's trouble around them and another signal if she's in trouble.

When they parked down the road behind a service station, everyone immediately got to work. Allison disappeared into the night but surely she could still see everyone. Argent's team quietly made their way to the only entrance to the church while Stiles' group spread out evenly to ensure everything was fine. Everyone had walkie talkies but the wolves just used their special hearing to listen to everyone else.

As soon as Allison was perched somewhere only she knows where, she called in then took a long swing at her flask with coffee filled to the brim. This could be a long night, she thought to herself.

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