Chapter 8

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A/N: Research pays off in this one. So for some reason I can't link the website, so they will be on my message board. I'll post all the website I've used for research but I haven't necessarily used direct quotes from all of them - just references. 
Language warning in here. Enjoy!

Diyosa xx

"Okay remember, when we go in, don't act like you're going to attack. Especially you Erica." Derek pointed out just before he opened the door to the abandoned church just outside of town.

Derek didn't expect to find the woman here again, but it was worth a shot. He also wouldn't be surprised if she was here at all. What he find was more than he expected, two people. One was the woman from the night before and the other was just as supernatural as she was.

"Who let the dogs out?" A snicker followed by the person sitting next to her on a small boulder of rubble. There were lit candles placed around the church and on the broken furniture, creating enough light to see people but not enough for traps to be visible. It'd be smart of them to have multiple traps because they have the upper hand, but then again, why would they need to trap a pack of werewolves?

"I see you've found your brother," Derek smiled politely as the pack gathered behind him and with much protest, Stiles was at the back with his bat guarding the door.

"I said I'd find you, I don't break my word,"

"Yeah, well I got impatient. I know enough Druids in my life to know that I shouldn't do deals with them,"

"I'm a shaman, not a druid. Although I could be both." She bragged.

"What...the hell is a shaman." Scott whispered.

"Google it. Listen, Peter fucked around with my brother. I'm only here for Finn not for your petty Uncle,"

"Although we're beyond happy he's dead, this Finn guy could start more trouble after one death,"

The woman sighed and scrunched her face as she rubbed her eyes, but another voice spoke up, "Peter was a little shit and thought he could take me. No one should gamble with a shaman when their life is on the table," Finn stated. Derek glared at him, although he's right, he still murdered his Uncle.

"Why kill him then?"

The man shrugged, and tucked his almost white curly hair behind his ear, "Doing one of God's deeds. I was raised to hunt wild animals," The comment made a few of the young teens growl. Derek looked back to them and gave a look to calm down.

"Listen, I'm literally his caretaker, therefore I need to take him and leave. He's willing to leave after you and your pack had left our sights," She crossed her arms tilted her head. Now that she's mentioned it, they didn't look anything alike. Her hair looked a little darker compared to Finn's white hair. She was tall, very tall whereas Finn was more built in muscle than height.

Derek turned just in time to see Stiles pushing past to look at the two strangers, "Is your last name Mac Cumhaill?"

The young man's head darted to the young boy and frowned, "Why?"

Stiles took another step forward despite Derek's hand holding him back, "You're the Finn Mac Cumhail?"

A wide grin spread across the young man's face and outstretched a hand, "Nice to meet a fan," Stiles chuckled and shook the hand. Stiles winced slightly and instantly Derek was by his side. "I'm terribly sorry, my grip has always been a tight one," Finn raised his hands as a form of surrender, however Derek still shot a death stare at him.

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