Chapter 21

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Author's note; Just a short one today. Currently working on finishing this story up! I don't want to rush and upload something that I'm not happy with  though :) Hope you enjoy

"Looks like Derek needs help..." Stiles pondered

"He'll be fine, the pack would be on the way. Allison should be somewhere - Hold on I'll call her."

"I thought telling everyone the plan was a waste of time?"

"She and her dad have the most advantageous positions right now, they would be the best people to make sure I don't die tonight," Lydia clicks on Allison's icon. As soon as she picks up, Lydia starts talking.

Stiles and Lydia make their way around the werewolf-ancient-warrior fight.

"Can you make one or not?" Lydia said into the microphone, "Great, do it in two minutes - Exactly two minutes, no matter what." Stiles looks to her and stays cautious of their surroundings. "Sooo what's happening in two minutes?"

"All you need to worry about is make sure no one from the pack touches me." Lydia starts walking

"Um....What?" Stiles catches up and before he could get an answer - a body was thrown against the wall adjacent to them - 

"Scott! Don't you dare die yet -"
"Don't worry....You're still stuck with me..." Scott winced as he sat up "Why are you here anyway?"
"I have a plan and we're running out of time. Help Stiles, I have to go," Lydia rushed off towards the fight

Derek braced himself for impact.
"For an're not much of a role-model for your pack" Bodmall sneered - lifting her arm for another attack, her hand glowing slightly with the same burgundy as Finn healed her before.

Derek glanced just behind her and spotted red hair blowing in the wind...Is that...? No

An arrow landed just at his head then another just near it. Then another and another. Surrounding Bodmall and himself fire erupted.

Confusion spread across both their faces.
Then a piercing scream.

Bodmall fell to the ground as Derek just barely managed to squeeze out of the flames before they got too high

Lydia's face through the flames was the last thing he saw just before he fell into darkness.

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