Chapter 5

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A/N: Don't you just LOVE hungover people? Hope everyone had an amazing New Years and/or Christmas break. Thank you for taking the time to read this too! I really appreciate it

Diyosa xx

"Oh god...Oh no..." Orange blurriness came into view as Allison came round. She got very comfortable in Lydia's bed overnight; having played with all the pillows when she woke up twice after Lydia went up to check on her, then stuffed them in each corner of the room while Lydia chased after her then dove into the bed sheets and fell asleep for the night. Lydia was certainly glad she had cleaned her straight away and was actually there for her, as she would have been for Lydia.

Lydia sat next to Allison with a glass of water and painkillers ready to go on her bedside table. She placed some spare towels strategically around her room and a bucket on her bed - She does not want to clean up vomit today.

"Morning sleepy head. Hope you had fun," Lydia whispered, knowing full well how bad Allison's hangover would be from experience.

"I don't wanna go to school..." Allison tossed around and buried her head in the surrounding pillows.

Lydia smiled and pulled her back gently and nudged the bucket into Allison's arms, she's going to need it in a moment.

"Isaac! Get up!"

"Yeah, yeah..what happened?" Isaac slowly and painfully pulled himself up from a very awkward position on the couch he was on almost all night. Someone's fist somehow found its way underneath Isaac and a body found their way between his legs which apparently didn't bother either of them. Scott couldn't help but take a few pictures before waking him up.

"Dude, what did you do last night? I wasn't gone that long!"

"Shut up! These guys would kill us if we woke them up,"

"Can you even move?" Isaac looked around and found that the couch was surrounded by sleeping teenagers. Probably one of the worst scenarios to sneak out. He looked back at Scott who was just in the hallway, who was whispering the whole time.

"You wouldn't have a lasso would you?" Isaac smirked as he made sure he had his phone and house keys before thinking of a way to escape. Scott snickered and was offered a rope of towels instead to pull him out but his smile disappeared too quickly, "Why did you wake me up man?"

"Stiles isn't here. I looked all over the house and yard. I didn't want to wake Boyd and Erica, Lydia is taking care of Allison right now. I don't have my phone on me either," Isaac nodded and flicked through his phone while stepping in small spaces and jumped out but tripped the last second.

Scott launched forward and caught his arms then pulled. The two stumbled backwards and fell which only stirred a couple people. They dusted themselves off and exchanged a couple awkward apologies and made their way out.

"Hey Sherriff, did Stiles make it home last night...Or this morning?"

"No? Should he have? What did he do this time? Oh god, what happened at the party?"

"Nothing sir, he just sent mixed signals about which house he was going to. Don't worry, we'll take care of it." At that Isaac hung up and Scott gulped. The least they could do was sniff him out but the smell of alcohol still lingered and it covered Stiles' scent - which was a mix of alcohol as well. Great.

"You need to go home."

"SShhhhhhhh!...Just... five more minutes..." the boy yawned and snuggled more into the not-so comfy couch but was interrupted when the blanket was snatched and then fell face first into the ground which sent multiple waves of pain through his head, "That, was seriously uncalled for. I have a hangover and in pain for some reason! Ugh!" He stood up and limped to the bathroom as the werewolf watched him, he thought about helping him but he thought twice, he can handle himself - then he heard a crash.

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