Chapter 3

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Hope everyone had an amazing holiday! I definitely did and I'm back with more!

I've updated my profile info with my schedule days - TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS.

Diyosa xx

After a strenuous and uneventful start of the week, Stiles couldn't wait any longer for Derek to hold back. He pressed on Derek's number as soon as he knew his friends were out of werewolf ear-shot.
"Tell them, now," He looked around to make sure he was alone other than a few teachers leaving school then he jumped in his jeep.

"I will. Don't worry,"

"Don't worry? Have you met me?" Stiles heard the word 'Unfortunately' on the other side of the line then he cut him off before he could continue.

"Unbelievable...You better call them all in right this second okay? I'm coming to make sure you tell them everything,"

"I would if I wasn't talking to you," Derek growled but Stiles only rolled his eyes and hung up. He rested his head on the steering wheel and sighed, why did he have to be in the middle of all of this?

When Stiles eventually arrived, the whole pack was restless. Derek was nowhere to be seen since the call and they looked to Stiles like he had the answers.

"Don't look at me like that okay? Whatever Derek has to say, it must be important, considering you haven't seen him,"

He got questioned looks but he just nodded off to the kitchen while the others just sat in silence on the sofas and floor. Stiles came back with a snack in hand and made himself comfortable on the couch next to Allison and Scott then turned the TV on, "Dude, how are you so calm?"
"When was the last time I was calm Scott?" Stiles without stuttering but he felt like he was crumbling down and the secret was slipping out already.

"You act like this is your second home. What's going on man? At school you were even worse,"

Stiles paused eating and looked at Scott; his best friend, his partner in crime and the one he tells everything to and just as he was about to open his mouth the door slid open to the loft and Derek walked in with Peter behind.

The pack rushed to their feet and some even growled at Peter as he strutted through the room. Derek raised his hands to the pack to back off, they followed his command reluctantly but gave him a questioned look.

"What the hell Derek?" Scott exclaimed.

"Second on that," Lydia tucked her phone away and stood well away from Peter who gave her a wink which definitely creeped her out. Allison hung close to Scott, ready to take a hidden knife out of her boot. Boyd and Erica stood opposite of each room ready to pounce when given the word.

Isaac hung back with Stiles though, if Stiles wasn't that surprised then obviously he knew about this before they did. He turned to give Stiles a look and he backed up away from Isaac; Stiles could tell that Isaac knew that he knew about Peter before they did. Even for a beta, he could smell a secret on anyone.

"Sit. Down," Derek growled. He waited until everyone were in their seats again, "Everyone," Derek looked to Peter who sulked but sat at the bench, "Now, before I start, I told Stiles last night. So shut up and listen to me. I'm only helping Peter to look for someone. I know we all hate him but he's desperate. He insisted that I didn't tell you guys but I, as your Alpha, thought you deserved to know and now asking for your help."

The pack stared at him. Derek didn't talk much but when he did, it was necessary and when Derek asked for help, it would be important.

Everyone was quiet except for Stiles' chewing and a program on the TV which was then shut off by someone, "Um, excuse me I was watching that!"

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