Chapter 4

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Stiles hasn't always been the fittest among his peers but that didn't stop him to sprint towards the only people who could actually explain the fire without saying the word 'accident'. When he got to the two werewolves, he was huffing and puffing and had to lean against the tree to catch his breath. He gestured with his hand to 'go on, tell me what happened' as he tried to recover.

"Derek asked me to scout a place and when we started to head back, there was an explosion. We found Lydia just standing over Peter before the police got here. Lydia's scream...We just..." Scott's eyes looked to Derek who was looking down. Scott was unsure how to describe what he saw actually because he's never seen it before. Maybe in movies but never in real life. Stiles finally stood up and frowned, he could see their faces from the light of the fire and street lights, they looked distraught. Derek even more so.
"What happened?" He stepped forward as he looked between the two.

Derek was scarily quiet. He wasn't crying or showing any remorse but almost everyone knew that Peter was Derek's only living relative. And now he's alone. Stiles had a somewhat similar experience, losing his mother and all but being the only living family member, is beyond Stiles' capability to comfort him. Scott looked to Stiles for help but he only shrugged and jerked his head for Scott to talk alone.

"What exactly did you see?" Even though Stiles whispered, he knew Derek could hear but just for the sake of it, he tried to be quiet.

"Lydia was already making her way there when we saw her. There was this guy and he...looked like he was sucking in smoke from Peter's body. When he finished, he literally disappeared, it didn't look like Lydia even acknowledged him. Erica, Boyd and Isaac called but I said we could handle it."

Stiles sighed and looked to Derek who was just standing there. He wanted to try and talk to him but it wouldn't make a difference. Talking and researching was all he was good at, he couldn't relate to this. Derek looked up then and their eyes locked for a moment. The oxygen just escaped from Stiles and his heart beat quickened, Scott nudged him slightly before he spoke, "Did you want to um.. or...Just walk away, that's cool too," Stiles shrugged then started to head back to his Dad with Scott trailing behind him, "What happened between you guys? I can literally smell the tension without my senses,"

"I dunno. Derek is complicated, but I guess we should give him time alone and stuff before we figure out what the hell inhales smoke or whatever," Stiles checked his phone, 11:30pm. He really needed to study.
"Tell my Dad, I'll get Lydia home," Scott agreed and made their way separately. 

"Lydia are you okay?"

"Yeah, maybe. For now I guess," Even the sound of her voice reflected how she looked but that didn't come close to what she was feeling right now. She had been studying at the time when suddenly she was hit with a wave of scrambled voices that filled her head - that made her scream.

Her eyes blinked open and she found herself in the middle of the road leading to the open world outside of Beacon Hills, standing over a dead body - Peter's.
She hadn't moved until she was forced to step away. She couldn't answer anyone's questions and say anything for that matter because she was still in shock.

The aftermath of witnessing a death can be traumatic even for a Banshee.
When Stiles finally came, she wanted to apologize and explain herself but the words didn't come out. She knew Scott and Derek got there when she did. She knew there was another person there. She just couldn't focus on them, she couldn't say anything.

Lydia was locked in a trance that only broke when she finally reached her victim. This time it was a victim and a horrible scene. She pointed to the werewolves in the distances and he took off. Minutes later, Stiles was half dragging her, half supporting her to his Jeep. His stupid Jeep that he refused to let go of.

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